Originally Posted by
Cameron of Texas
Thanks for posting, really good. This reminded me of an old family story - on my Mother's side, my ancestors were Camerons and MacKays in Glenlivet, and my ancestor lived at Gallowhill, literally a stone's throw from the site of the Glenlivet distillery. For a long time, there were many illicit stills, literally hundreds of them in Glenlivet itself, my ancestors' amongst them. As the excise men got better at finding them and the chance of a stiff penalty grew, most of them stopped making whisky altogether. The story goes that my ancestor was invited to "go straight" and enter into a "proper" whisky making partnership with George Smith, the founder of the Glenlivet distillery, and he declined
if only he'd known what Glenlivet would become!!
To the King over the water