1st February 10, 11:38 PM
Single malts that fell short?
So let's attack this from a different angle. I decided a long time ago that I like the smokey, peat flavor that some single malts offer (eg - Laphroaig), so I suppose that represents my bias. However, in a pinch even relatively neutral spirits such as Glenfiddich and Glenlivet are pleasant to my palate.
Because it was on the shelf of my local liquor store, I grabbed a bottle of MacAllan 12yr. Well, I've certainly tasted much worse liquor in my time but have to admit this just isn't grabbing me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pouring it down the drain. If fact, I have a nosing glass in hand at the moment, however, it seems a bit too phenolic to my taste. I doubt that I'll buy a bottle of this again.
Which ones do you not like and what about them was the turn-off?
"The best things written about the bagpipe are written on five lines of the great staff" - Pipe Major Donald MacLeod, MBE
2nd February 10, 12:41 AM
The ASDA house brand stuff I had at my wife's aunt's house in Reading. Not good, let's just say. Not good at all.
- The Beertigger
"The only one, since 1969."
3rd February 10, 03:39 AM
That's ASDA price !
3rd February 10, 08:31 AM
Found a brand once in a small town liquor store and it was the only single malt scotch on the shelves. Just called "Speyside"(incorrect--actually called Speyburn as Noel below corrected me) without any age or area of origination, but one would presume it was among the speyside highland whiskies like Glenlivet and others.
It was dreadful----strong burnt bitter on initial palate, harsh after taste and a strong burn on the way down and in your mouth for several minutes afterward. Adding a little water (something I NEVER do with good whisky) only thinned its nastiness a tad, but it was still very bad. I still have the bottle but have not drunk any since then (nearly 10 years ago), however my father seemed to like it when mixed more liberally with water and an ice cube (Interestingly he does not really like most of the other higher quality single malts I have tried on him neat).
Last edited by ForresterModern; 3rd February 10 at 06:31 PM.
3rd February 10, 09:10 AM
 Originally Posted by HarborSpringsPiper
So let's attack this from a different angle. I decided a long time ago that I like the smokey, peat flavor that some single malts offer (eg - Laphroaig), so I suppose that represents my bias. However, in a pinch even relatively neutral spirits such as Glenfiddich and Glenlivet are pleasant to my palate.
Because it was on the shelf of my local liquor store, I grabbed a bottle of MacAllan 12yr. Well, I've certainly tasted much worse liquor in my time but have to admit this just isn't grabbing me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pouring it down the drain. If fact, I have a nosing glass in hand at the moment, however, it seems a bit too phenolic to my taste. I doubt that I'll buy a bottle of this again.
Which ones do you not like and what about them was the turn-off?

Cough...sputter...picks himself off the floor...how could anyone write such blasphemy about the "Rolls Royce of Single Malts"? The Macallan 12 years is my brand -- if you don't like it, then please send me your bottle, and I will destroy it for you. 
Still in shock...I'll need a wee dram this evening to recover from such heresey.
3rd February 10, 09:49 AM
Speyburn never did much for me. I ended up using 9/10 of the bottle for making hot buttered scotch!
I got a Macallan 12 for Christmas and excitedly poured a glass -added a splash of water -nosed it -sipped it -and said 'bleh!'. Didn't do anything for me until the second attempt when I added more water than I usually do. Macallan benefits from that (at least according to my tongue). Most of the time I put less than a teaspoon of spring water in my single malts.
3rd February 10, 09:54 AM
by the way, Macallan is a nice sipper when it's properly watered - nothing I'd buy personally, but something I'm happy to have
Last edited by Noel Christian Riddell; 3rd February 10 at 10:29 AM.
Reason: left a crucial word out -doh!
3rd February 10, 10:28 AM
I am probably thinking of the Speyburn you mention---it has been so long since I got it out of the back to the liquor cabinet that I am probably confusing the name----will check when I get home. Thanks for the correction.
3rd February 10, 10:32 AM
Jeff, there is a 'Speyburn' and 'The Speyside' made in Strathspey.
Wonder if they taste similar....
Think I just like Islay, Island, and Highland malts the best.
3rd February 10, 11:28 AM
RE: Single Malts
I too enjoy the petey single malts (laphroig etc.) However, that being said, I REALLY liked the Macallan 12 year old. It has a remarkably smooth finish, and an equally sweet aftertaste (opinion). I don't understand how you can add water to any single malt, only an Englishman would do that!! LOL
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