23rd October 11, 07:20 PM
Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
In April the wife and I are going to spend a week in Germany. She has been a few times and this will be my first trip. A German national will be with us most of the time and we are putting together an itinerary, learning the language and history. I like to be prepared so I am learning all I can about castles and museums as well as local "pubs". I am cramming German to converse and be polite. Everything looks cool and it's going to be a trip of a lifetime but I am really concerned about our safety in a foreign country. I would appriciate any insight you Gentlemen might have.
Please excuse the spelling errors. My IPhone is "helping" me.
23rd October 11, 07:59 PM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
Why would you think that Europe is unsafe? As with any country in the world you can find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time but I dont think cities in Germany would be any less safe than say Houston.
I havent been to Germany for many years but when we visited many cities and sights, I never had even the slightest doubt for my safety.
I think as long as you dont wander around the wrong places in cities and dont publicise your 'Americaness' with loud clothes and accents then you'll not have any problems
23rd October 11, 08:12 PM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
Just be polite, friendly and use common sense, and you'll be safe and maybe find some new friends in Germany. Here's to a new adventure!
23rd October 11, 08:30 PM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
That's good to hear. We have been in tight situations in the US and i have always been polite and been able to work thru the situation. But this is a bit different as the self defence laws are different. We will be carrying obviously expensive camera gear and I am concerned for our safety.
Mostly I am interested in web sites and contacts that I can better use to learn about the country. I figured since this was a multinational community you could point me toward good places to do research as well as personal observations if you would be so kind.
Thank you.
Please excuse the spelling errors. My IPhone is "helping" me.
23rd October 11, 08:50 PM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
The only time I ever came to any harm in Germany was when I was assaulted by a Scot! Sorry, but it's true. I was chatting to his German GF, but he was behind the bar, so I had no idea she was with him.
If anything of that nature should befall you, such as being punched in the teeth by a mad Glaswegian bartender in a German bar, dial 110. In the UK it would be 999. Other countries I don't know, but 911 only works in America.
Can't promise that the German police will speak any English, though. I asked the guy taking my statement if anyone there spoke English, and his reply was to point at one of his colleagues and say "Ich spreche Deutsch, er sprecht nur Bayerisch"! (I speak German, he only speaks Bavarian). At least my German was good enough to soldier on and make my statement in that language.
ETA: Yes, the cop was cracking a joke, and quite an amusing one I think.
23rd October 11, 10:17 PM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
I honestly think you are making the situation out to be far worse than it actually is and that you will certainly have no requirement for self defense. If in the extremely unlikely event that you were attacked then you'd be within your rights to use self defense and I believe any police force would agree.
In all my travels abroad I've never had to resort to self defense and have been in a few dodgy situations.
As you will be a tourist you should take the same precautions as you would in any city and of course there are pick pockets, so keep your valuables secure and dont be flashy with your cash. A good strong backpack is a good solution for carrying your expensive camera and stuff relatively out of sight.
I also find that the majority of Europeans speak very good english especially those that are involved with the tourist industry.
23rd October 11, 10:21 PM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
I've traveled throughout Europe with nary an incident. BUT... Many European cities, especially larger ones are RIFE with pickpockets and petty thieves.
I know many (if not most) North American men keep their wallets in the back pocket of their trousers or jeans (unless kilted)... NOT a good idea. Keep a hawk's eye on your belongings such as handbags, cameras, wallets, etc AT ALL TIMES...
Avoid crowds when possible... Be extra careful on crowded trains, buses, streetcars where you are liable to be jostled. If someone bumps into you, you may get back back to your hotel to find half your belongings gone.
In some areas like Prague (I know -- not Germany, but the Czech Republic), thieves can be even so brazen as to snatch & grab. It's not unheard of to have purse and camera straps to simply be cut with a straight razor and have the thieves take off running.
That's not meant as a scare tactic, but just as a sober warning that such crimes are exceedingly common from my experience and you are FAR less likely to be targeted if you are aware of them. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. Take visual and mental stock of people around you. Always appear alert and never appear sleepy, drunk, high, or preoccupied.
Additional advice links:
Last edited by Steve Ashton; 11th December 14 at 03:00 PM.
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24th October 11, 01:01 AM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
Originally Posted by O'Callaghan
If anything of that nature should befall you, such as being punched in the teeth by a mad Glaswegian bartender in a German bar, dial 110. In the UK it would be 999. Other countries I don't know, but 911 only works in America.
I've never heard of the number 110 being used for emergency services so I can't comment on whether it's used in Germany or not BUT the international emergency number is 112. In all European countries, including the UK, you can summon all emergency services by using either 112 or the local emergency number, which is correctly stated as 999 in the UK. It was my understanding that 112 would work in the US as well as their more usual 911
24th October 11, 01:08 AM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
I can confirm that 112 should work in all EU, but 112 is for rescue teams. If you wish to reach police you should dial 113.
I like the breeze between my knees
24th October 11, 02:45 AM
Re: Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
According to my research most of Europe's emergency services are 112 but some countries still have separate numbers depending on what service is required. eg Medical or Fire etc. It appears that in Germany 112 or 110 gets through to the Police.
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