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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    thewhiskyexchange.com questions/advice

    I was browsing their website and noticed they had a good selection of mini bottles. Not being one who can waste 70-80 dollars trying new bottles of scotch I was wondering if any of you fine folks have had any experience with this company and shipping to the States. Ordering a few 5-6 dollar minis to try seemed a better way to sample some other scotches than my old stand by (Aberlour 12 if your interested). Any advise is welcome. Cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    5th September 05
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    I don't know but I'd suggest that finding a bar or some other establishment of that type with a decent selection of whisky might be a better approach. Not sure if you have any of the larger chain liquor stores around you but the Binny's here in Chicago has tastings and the staff from both the store and some of the local bars who have a nice selection will often wangle you an invite to any company sponsored tasting events that come along so try to stay on their good side! If they know that you're serious, they'll probably include you in any events...

    They always seem to have some kind of whisky educational program going on at Highland Games...may be a fee to participate but it's usually pretty fair.

    I'd just get worried at the potential problems involved in shipping wee little bottles back and forth...



  3. #3
    Join Date
    13th November 10
    Red Deer
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    I have a good friend who has dealt with the staff of The Whiskey Exchange at their London shop during a trip he took and he spoke very highly of them. When I asked him about the possibilities of purchasing from them and shipping bottles he informed me that they don't ship to Canada, much to my dissapointment. I asked about perhaps having bottles shipped to a friend in the States and then transporting them from there. Apparently it depends on which state you live in. And how the customs agents are feeling that day and if they happen to like scotch. It seems to be "At your own risk", at least to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    San Francisco, CA, USA
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    Looking around locally, as has been suggested, may well be worthwhile. I just checked Yelp for San Francisco, for instance, and got lots of good possibilitiies:

    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
    I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."

  5. #5
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    I appreciate the advice, I have learned that having spirits shipped into Michigan (legally) is a bit of a problem unless the shipper has a shop in state, gotta love taxes. Anyway it would appear the best option is to try to attend a tasting as suggested thanks for your advice.

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