18th December 09, 11:27 AM
They know you to well when...
I went to my favorite dim sum restaurant for lunch. I got there and they greeted as normal but on the way out they gave a Christmas present!!! Nothing all that special just a bamboo calendar but it kind of lets me know I probably go there just a little to often
18th December 09, 01:50 PM
They know you too well when:
The bartender recognizes the sound of your Jeep coming down the hill and pulling into the parking lot, cracks a Molson Golden and leaves it on the corner of the bar by the door, which you grab on your way through the main bar to the back room to play darts. No words exchanged, not even a glance from either you or the barkeep. 30 minutes later he sends the waitress into the back room with a fresh Molson for you without you having even to ask. You and the barkeep finally say hello and goodbye at the same time when you go to pay your tab as you leave for the night several hours (and several Molsons) later. That was me for about 5 years when I played competitive darts out of an irish pub 2 nights a week year round, about 20 odd years ago. Barkeeps nickname was Gumby.
18th December 09, 04:44 PM
They know you too well when:
They check their wallets as you walk away.
Drink up and put on their hats as you arrive.
Assume postures of diligence as you arrive.
Check where their wives or girlfriends are while talking to you.
May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew
18th December 09, 07:29 PM
 Originally Posted by ForresterModern
They know you too well when:
...and leaves it on the corner of the bar by the door, which you grab on your way through the main bar to the back room...
Your name's not really Norm is it??
The secret of happiness is freedom,
and the secret of freedom, courage
18th December 09, 08:11 PM
They know you too well when....
Before the air brakes have finished their noisy routine the coffee and muffin are on the table with your newspaper and lottery tickets waiting...
18th December 09, 09:06 PM
...the girls at Subway have your sandwich ready for you by the time you walk in the restaurant.
When given a choice, most people will choose.
18th December 09, 09:38 PM
They've started stocking the bottled water you bring in for your scotch "just to save time".
19th December 09, 12:24 PM
...they call you by name (w/o looking at your credit card) and take you to the same table that you usually request...
Last edited by Jack Daw; 19th December 09 at 04:38 PM.
19th December 09, 06:27 PM
 Originally Posted by WClarkB
They know you too well when:
They check their wallets as you walk away.
Drink up and put on their hats as you arrive.
Assume postures of diligence as you arrive.
Check where their wives or girlfriends are while talking to you. 
yuk, yuk, yuk
A kilted Celt on the border.
Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret
Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.
19th December 09, 07:50 PM
. . . they start pouring your scotch when they see you approaching the front door and make some newbie move from your regular seat.
And, if you forget to pay your tab before leavig, they don't even care because they know you're good for it and you'll be back. 
I love that place.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
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