A week ago a friend, Dr I work with, presented me with a gift of a rather unique scotch. The reasons for this gift are many but the main one is that this past summer I was able to guide him and his son to the summit of Mt Baker in Washington state. This was out third attempt in 5 years. Two climbs were aborted, one due to forgetting an essential pair of glacier glasses on summit morning and the other due to soft and open cravasses. I tend to like to bring my friends/climbers home alive. The old saying of the third time is the charm held true this summer when they topped the Roman Wall and stood on Baker's summit at 06:30 am. The next night in Seattle we celebrated at Kell's Irish Pub and enjoyed some fine Edradour 10 year old. The gesture of the scotch gift was not just for the climb but also for the encouragement for my friend to get not only himself active and in shape but his whole family. He took his wife this past October to Macu Picu and successfully trekked to 14,000ft and back. So for him it was a celebration of health with his family and achievement both personally and shared with family members. In thanks he presented me not only with a bottle of Edradour 10 year old, one of my favorites, but this fine bottle of MacKinlay's rare. I provide for you a few photos and a link to the Whiskey Exchange. The Whiskey Exchange gives a bit of the history behind this fine distillation that has historical ties to Shackleton of Antarctic fame. I dont yet know what event will cause me to open this bottle and sip it but I know one will come and I will then be able to drink a bit of history.
Link to Whiskey Exchange
Packaged in straw and wrapped in paper with a new cork in the burlap sack to use after opening
Unwrapped for viewing pleasure
The right day/reason will come and I will savor every sip
Has anyone here had this scotch, if so please add your notes on what it was like.
Prost [_] [_]