As long as I have the camera out tonight I'm obviously sharing some of my old stuff that I hadn't photographed till now. I thought some might get a kick out of this one.
I did not make the dirk on the top, that's just there for size reference. I had this long dirk that I got at a swap meet years ago with a wood and aluminum handle and thought it would be a nice dirk to go with my brown leather accessorized kilt outfit for ren faires. So I made a sheath for it last year "on the cheap."
The body of the sheath is actually fake leather upholstery material with an embossed pattern on it. I machine stitched that and reversed it and then glued a couple real leather bands around the middle and riveted on a leather loop for the belt. I had a left over fancy enameled rivet that I put in the middle of one band to spice it up, along with a small tassle that I think is made for curtains. The metal throat and tip on the sheath are actually from the little cones used for cake decorator tips!
It may look a little hokey if you examine it too close but for the price (probably less than $5 worth of materials) it's more than adequate for tromping around faire I think.