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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Choosing a tartan.

    Hi All,
    I was looking at different tartans just in case I want to have a Kilt
    made for me. It got kind of confusing for me. Her are the facts,
    1.) I live USA. 2.) Family came here from Wales {1700's}.
    3.) Have English last name, Rowley.

    I want to choose correctly. Was thinking of maybe the
    Welsh national tartan.
    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Here is the advice I give those customers who come to my shop with the same sort of questions -

    1) While the weaving of patterns in cloth that today we would call Tartan, the idea that some designs are associated with names is not ancient. We only began to name Tartans in the period between the late 1700's to the mid 1800's.

    2) Prior to this period most Tartans were locally produced so in fact regional designs are the more historical. To find an appropriate Tartan do your family research and tell me where your people come from and not your name.

    3) There are no written rules saying that a person can or cannot wear any Tartan they choose.

    There are 3 guidelines which govern what Tartan you can and should wear.

    1) Pick a Tartan that has some meaning to you. I can be your name, where you are from or an affiliation you hold such as club, company or even this forum. The meaning to you could even be "I like the colors".

    2) Know what Tartan you are wearing. Someone will ask.

    3) Wear it with pride.

    Yes, there are Tartan snobs out there, but fortunately there are no Tartan cops.

    Today there are about 12,000 registered Tartans. There are Tartans that carry the name of Highland Clans. There are Tartans for families and individuals. There are Tartans that are for geographical areas such as Shires in the UK, US States & Canadian Provinces. There are Tartans for companies and groups. (The grocery chain Safeway and the courier UPS have Tartans as does Harley Davidson and the Ford Model T club) There are Private and restricted Tartans. There is even the world's first internet Tartan which you can see as the wallpaper of this site. It is our own X Marks Tartan and as a member of this forum you have every right to wear it if you wish.
    Last edited by The Wizard of BC; 18th August 16 at 12:02 AM.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  3. The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to The Wizard of BC For This Useful Post:

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Just a thought . . . According to Black in The Surnames of Scotland, Rouley is associated with Roxburgshire. The entry is:

    "ROULEY, William de Rouley of Roxburgshire rendered homage, 1268. Perhaps from Rowley, a parish in the East Riding of Yorkshire."

    There is a Roxburgh district tartan: http://www.tartansauthority.com/tart...h-red-district

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Thank You.

    Thanks to Mr. Scott and Mr. Wizard this is just what I was hoping
    to find out. Well done!


  6. #5
    Join Date
    18th October 09
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    There's been a recent explosion in the number of Welsh tartans.

    Here's a handy list


    Yes the Roxburgh District tartan is lovely.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte


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