23rd June 06, 06:29 PM
The San Diego Highland Games
I know, I know, there's a certain air of contradiction in that title; the southern California Highland games, but should you attend, you'd be in for a pleasant surprise.
Before I go on, I'll admit right up front that I've not attended many other Highland gatherings, so I have no fair point of comparison. But the San Diego Highland Games are well attended by a vigorous and energetic bunch of Americans of Scots decent (and anyone else who would like to attend - all are welcome). There is an active and vibrant community of Celtic heritage celebrants of all ethnicities.
This part of the southwestern United States has become the focus of Irish, English and Scottish watering holes in general. Probably because of the friendly breezes and fine drink.
So come on down to Southern California this weekend and enjoy! .
Hope to see you there.
Scott & Carol Gilmore
23rd June 06, 09:31 PM
This is one of my favorite events to compete at as well, because the field is right in the middle of all the action.
Usually due to the layout of the site the HG is held the athletic events wind up being way off on their own, and few people find their way over to watch.
At Vista (San Diego) the field is surrounded by the food and music booths up the hill, the vendors on one side, and the clan booths on the other.
Its great having huge crowds there to watch the event rather than just some passersby and family of athletes.
This is definately one of my favorite events.
24th June 06, 08:57 PM
I set several PR's for myself today, medalled in two events, and best of all....
A 100 lb stone, thrown any which way you can from a 12 foot run up. I threw it 11' 9 1/2 inches, the second place throw was over six inches lower than that. Won myself a $50.00 pot too.
24th June 06, 09:16 PM
Hey! Carol and I watched some of that competition this morning, but we didn't know which one you were (we didn't see anyone sporting a hockey mask).
Scot Gilmore
24th June 06, 10:09 PM
If you saw me, you'd remember. I was wearing a desert camo UK, green shirt, and a desert camo boonie hat.
25th June 06, 07:48 AM
Congratulation Yaish!
And the Gatlinburg Games is setup the same way, the field surrounded by the clan tents and vendors, so easy to se the action. If you should ever make it to TN to compete. A nice, smaller Games.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
25th June 06, 08:16 AM
Well Done! I just attended my first Highland Games last week and was very impressed with the atheltics. How do you even pick up a 100lb rock
I'm still hung up on your description of the Games and the magic word :"B R E E Z E "
We could have used them up here in Campbell.
Hope you both had a great time!
(Scott, by the by. I imagine Yaish the Strong is forbidden by the game's officials from wearing his Jet Jaguar outfit, as it could be seen as a unfair advantage. Clan Toho has a fierce reputation and the costume could intimidate the other competitors)
Last edited by Panache; 25th June 06 at 08:21 AM.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
25th June 06, 01:20 PM
 Originally Posted by Yaish
If you saw me, you'd remember. I was wearing a desert camo UK, green shirt, and a desert camo boonie hat.
Yep, now that I have that description, we saw you. You were the one with the game face on. Good on ya for taking it seriously.
Oh, and by the way, for those as haven't seen Yaish, he's one buck-strappin' pup. That "rock" he tossed like it were nuthin' was a hunk of egg-shaped granite about twice the size of my (swelled) head. If I'd have so much as tried to pick it up it would have squashed me like a bug on a 100-mph windshield.
Scott Gilmore
25th June 06, 10:04 PM
Thank you Scott, for the kind words. I often get asked if I am angry because I dont smile much. I tend to have a serious expression on my face as the default position.
How do you even pick up a 100lb rock
Treat it like a clean and jerk. Squat down in a good position, get a grip on the rock, then hike it to your chest and start standing. Use your momentum from standing to assist as you jerk it over your head.
For the throwing, two main styles are used. I prefer the overhead, where the rock is held up over head like an army press. Run forward gathering all the speed you can, then just before the trig (the trig is the board that marks the front line. If you pass it you fault on the throw) jump to a stop and use that 'pop' to help you throw the weight forward.
The other way it is usually thrown is from the chest, pushed off by the strength of the arms. I dont like this myself, since your arms generally are not strong enough to accelerate the rock very fast, not throw it very high. For a smaller rock this style might be better, but with a rock this big height helps.
For every foot it has to fall, it can travel another foot and a half futher. If it is over my head the rock starts out at around 7+ feet. If its on my chest it only has 5+ feet before it falls to earth.
Its a big fricken rock too. I'd say about 18 x 15 x 10 all around, sort of a flattened egg shape, as Scott mentioned.
25th June 06, 11:34 PM
Hope you all had a great time
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