5th September 18, 06:55 AM
Tartan Tuesday Photos
Our old thread was closed due to inactivity, sorry about that life gets in the way sometimes. We had a Tartan Tuesday last night at the Duke of Cornwall Pub in Toronto at 400 University Ave. If you are in Toronto and want to have an excuse to wear your kilt please join us next month on Tuesday October 2nd at 8PM. Here are a few photos

The Following 11 Users say 'Aye' to McMurdo For This Useful Post:
AFS1970,Delta Six,Jim Simmons,KiltedDixon,Kiltedjohn,Liam,Macman,Manu,Panache,plaid preacher,Taskr
5th September 18, 12:55 PM
Am I missing something?
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
I can't seem to see the photos/links??? Technical issue or stupidity on my part!
Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Blaidd For This Useful Post:
5th September 18, 01:00 PM
Not sure why you can't see them.
5th September 18, 01:21 PM
No problem McM, maybe it's the ISP here; not my normal location so maybe it's just slow! Many thanks.
Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid
6th September 18, 04:16 AM
Very nice!
I do love the Maple Leaf tartan.
Interesting the kilt worn by the fellow on the left, which appears to be a Cameron military kilt, boxpleated, made with the large-sett MOD cloth. Or perhaps one of the MacDonald tartans, I can't tell if the line is yellow or white.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte
6th September 18, 04:19 AM
 Originally Posted by Blaidd
I can't seem to see the photos/links??? Technical issue or stupidity on my part! 
They show up fine for me... I wonder why they don't for you?
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte
6th September 18, 04:31 AM
 Originally Posted by OC Richard
Very nice!
I do love the Maple Leaf tartan.
Interesting the kilt worn by the fellow on the left, which appears to be a Cameron military kilt, boxpleated, made with the large-sett MOD cloth. Or perhaps one of the MacDonald tartans, I can't tell if the line is yellow or white.
Good eye, it is indeed a Cameron military tartan kilt.
6th September 18, 07:51 AM
6th September 18, 10:03 AM
 Originally Posted by OC Richard
They show up fine for me... I wonder why they don't for you? 
.... And on my phone, I can now see them! Strange. Anyway, great pics indeed!
Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid
22nd September 18, 12:28 PM
You all looking smashing ! I really love the maple leaf Tartan . I'm going to be in Scotland for Hogmanay and was thinking of making myself a little something special to wear. Seeing this Tartan has the wheels really turning now ...
The Following User Says 'Aye' to Julia Elliott For This Useful Post:
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