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  • 14th May 06, 04:45 PM
    Travel Tip for Wrinkled Kilts
    If you forget to pack you steamer or iron, like I did, one way to take out some of the wrinkles of a kilt is with the shower.

    Hang the kilt so the pleats hang freely, away from the blast of the shower. Turn the shower on with just hot water and close the door/curtain. Leave the kilt in the shower for about fifteen minutes or so.

    This will take out most of the wrinkles that have formed in your kilt, except for the very worst. Even the badly creased wrinkles will be lessened using this method, and may even steam out if sufficient time is allowed.
  • 14th May 06, 04:47 PM

    Thanks for the tip

  • 14th May 06, 04:48 PM
    i will have to remember that when i take my Scots American to world cup in germany.
  • 14th May 06, 07:09 PM
    Kilted KT
    Here is travel tip #2.

    if traveling, bring a second kilt. Wear the one you are not wearing to whatever you are going to while driving. It's far more comfortable than adjusting every 10 miles or so. Then, when you get where you are going, put on the other kilt.
  • 14th May 06, 10:28 PM
    That even works for the Poly Viscose kilts too. Have had the wrinkles fall out just hanging in the motel bathroom while I shower.

    I've also taken Utillikilts that were wrinkled from sitting on them for a long drive. Dunked them in a few inches of water in the motel bath tub, then hung them to dry over night. Works great.

  • 14th May 06, 11:41 PM
    Roan Carter
    So would this be a good idea for getting rid of the funny wrinkles that were on my stillwater standard kilt when it arrived?

    As in ... it leaves the pleats just fine? The iron and I do not get along. :p
  • 15th May 06, 12:51 AM
    if ya roll yur kilt fair packin there arr nay wrinkles tae get oot...

  • 15th May 06, 07:39 AM
    auld argonian

    Originally Posted by Kilted KT
    ...if traveling, bring a second kilt. Wear the one you are not wearing to whatever you are going to while driving. It's far more comfortable than adjusting every 10 miles or so. Then, when you get where you are going, put on the other kilt.

    Hey...maybe this is why we see photos of guys with their kilts on backwards - pleats in the front....they just had a long drive and they figured that they'd sit on the apron so as to not wrinkle the pleats! ...and they just haven't remembered to rotate the kilt back around to the front...


  • 15th May 06, 10:26 AM
    Hey Roan,

    As Ham has taught us, the secret of ironing kilts is to lay them out on the floor and iron them on the floor.

  • 15th May 06, 10:55 AM
    I don't iron my kilts but I do steam them - got in on a sale at Home Depot a while back thanks to this board. 5-10 min. and they are as fresh as a daisy and sharp as a tack!

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