X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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OK guys and gals.
X Marks Tartan run # 3 is official!!!!!!!
We will be ordering Fraser & Kirkbright Moreno Wool in 16 oz. weight.
The cost will be $52.00 Canadian Dollars per meter.
That is approx. $44.00 US Dollars for approx. 39.375 inches.
The fabric will be double width. 60" wide.
We do not know what the Sett will be, but a rough guess, by comparing yarns per inch, would be 7 1/8"
Please read Alans post above for information on how much fabric to order.
Then, please see the next post for information on ordering your fabric.
To order X Marks Tartan fabric from run #3 Please read and follow these instructions.
Send via an e-mail to steve@freedomkilts.com the following information;
1. Your full name
2. Your X Marks nickname.
3. The full mailing address you would like me to ship your fabric to.
This can be your home, business or your kiltmakers shop.
4. The e-mail address you would like me to send your invoice to.
5. The amount of fabric you would like.
I will then collect all the orders, generate invoices and await your payments.
I prefer to handle all payments with PayPal. This way the currency conversion is done automatically and no one has to get their calculators smoking.
When I have recieved all the payments, I will call Fraser & Kirkbright and tell them to start weaving.
And remember, your invoice will include a 10% fee for my work and a shipping cost depending on where I have to send your fabric.
Canadian orders will include GST.