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a few weeks ago Emma an ai took the weans oot fur a walk an a wee exploration....
Dumfries used tae have a castle... (no maire- it is lang gone...) the area is ca'd Castledykes... roon this plaque reads; "Site Of Royal Castle Of Dumfries Built in 1186 By William The Lion" inside reads; "In The Wars Of Scottish Independence It Was Re-Taken From The English By Wallace in 1297 And By Bruce in 1306 The Castle Was Recorded As Waste in 1335." .
later... the area was a sandstane quary... noo it has lovely gairdens...
this wus still in winter say it is no as green an bonny... from the mound ya can see the River Nith...
alsa oan the mound... there used tae bae a statue o' Robert The Bruce...
the new statue (proposed!) Robertson The Bruce an his Mighty Steed Taffee The Daft!
the gairdens doon where the quarry wuz....
this is a very bonny place in the summer... we will have tae return tae get piccies again...
alaing yin wa' they have these auld paintings tellin' the story... (the weather has done some damage o'er the years...) This yin Says: "In 1186, King William The Lion Visits His Fortress At Castledykes.... The King Grants A Charter To Dumfries Making It A Royal Burgh."
the second yin reads: "Bruce Slays The Red Comyn in Greyf'all Monastery, Dumfries, 1306... Bruce Decides To Fight For Scotland's Freedom.... And The Crown!"