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well I'm up and around

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  • 4th December 24, 11:14 AM
    4 Attachment(s)
    well I'm up and around
    2 months ago I suffered herniated discs. It was excruciating and me flat on my back the first ten days. They told me to prepare for at least a year in recovery and more likely 2. They didn't give me physical therapy until the 3rd week and it consisted of sitting and swinging my left leg 10 times 3 times a day. I asked about other things I could do including water exercises and was told that was fine as long as I didn't feel pain. So I started sitting in the handicapped chair at the pool for 45 minutes a day while I did various kicks and used the water weights to add in some upper body work. I also experimented with lifting weights in the wheelchair starting light and increasing.
    As I posted previously we went out to oak glen which was really difficult. The wheelchair was hard for me to push the wheels in the soft, rocky dirt road and my wife would put the shoulder to the wheel as the old song goes and we could get about a half mile in. It made grizz happy as he got out and enjoyed sitting in my lap for the ride.
    The last four weeks we went out to oak glen and brought the wheelchair the first 2 times in case I needed it and I walked the upper loop. It's only a mile but considering they didn't think I'd be doing that for quite a while in the future, I was pleased.
    3 weeks ago I also added deadlifting back into my weight workouts which were back to about 90 minutes every third day and at that time I stopped using the wheelchair to lift. I'm not back to full strength. The upper body I have been hitting a lot of my old numbers. Yesterday I did 250 for 2 reps on the deadlift so that's about 50 pounds low but that one's going to be really slow increases.
    any way here are kilted pictures of my oak glen hikings and a video of my last deadlift.
    Attachment 44033
    Attachment 44034
    Attachment 44035
    Attachment 44036
  • 4th December 24, 12:03 PM
    Father Bill
    Be well, old chap!
  • 4th December 24, 01:28 PM

    Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Be well, old chap!

    Glad to see you are doing so well, just please do not over do.
  • 4th December 24, 02:51 PM
    So very glad to hear this. Take care and you are continually in my prayers.
  • 5th December 24, 06:32 AM
    Jock Scot
    Well done Laddie! :clap::clap::clap:
  • 5th December 24, 02:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Be well, old chap!

    This episode has taught me one thing about the american medical system. It's not much good. It took them over a week to identify the problem and they then actually gave me pain killers which allowed me to sleep. Before they had suggested Tylenol etc. It wasn't until I could see my doctor a week later things improved.
    The problem is I did see a physical Therapist 2 weeks later who tested me (which really, really hurt which is fine, I understand) and gave me one exercise and an appointment again in a month. At that meeting she tested me (which didn't hurt) and saw how much I had improved by adding my own exercises and gave me the rest of them (4) and told me she didn't need to see me again unless something went wrong.
    I am happy I improved so much but they really need to have more available for common problems. I am working it out on my own how to re-centralize my body since everything has been right side dominant since the injury. Walking, standing, getting out of chairs ect. Because of my training as a singer, weight lifter and some Alexander technique I am aware how badly I am centered. None of that was mentioned but I am sure it's a common problem people would have after this and it does result in damage to the dominant side especially the knees.
    I am thankful and the doctor was right, the body is amazing but I'd think it could be even more amazing with more care.
  • 5th December 24, 04:49 PM
    ouch, two years, well be careful.
  • 6th December 24, 06:48 AM
    I was reading an article on the impact of exercise on life expectancy when I noted that I am a year older than the men are expected to live in the US. Been active all.my life and have been doing CrossFit 3 or 4 times a week since I retired. It is a wonderful program of varied activities that I supplement with at least two walks a day with my dog. Really makes a difference in quality of life. Still giving other scout leaders twenty years younger a challenge keeping up. Along with a bit of luck, life is good. Keep moving the best you can.
  • 6th December 24, 03:38 PM
    Mael Coluim
    As I read your posts Grizz, an old saying came to my mind. "You can't keep a good man down". Keep pushing forward mate. :
  • 10th December 24, 09:01 AM

    Originally Posted by COScotsman View Post
    So very glad to hear this. Take care and you are continually in my prayers.

    I have always believed that faith can move mountains but it's usually helpful to bring a shovel

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