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Airman Bradley

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  • 19th July 07, 03:40 PM
    Hey, I just noticed the star within those three bars. I guess you were in after they changed the name of that rank from Sergeant to Senior Airman.
  • 19th July 07, 03:46 PM
    You look pretty sharp in your uniform but I do admit that it is a little odd seeing you sans kilt, piercings, tattoos and all.
  • 19th July 07, 05:44 PM
    Airman Brad meet Soldier Thomas
    Hey Brad, I found an old picture before I got commissioned, not the best quality but one of the few I have, It is amazing how much we change isn't it!!

    This was also before 9/11/01

  • 19th July 07, 06:32 PM
    Mr. MacDougall
    Geeze, I had a lot less fruit salad on my uniform when I got out than either of you, and I saved people's lives! :wink: :cool:
  • 19th July 07, 09:52 PM
    I see you've cut your hair since.
  • 20th July 07, 04:46 AM
    Man, you actually look presentable.:lol:

    I'll have to see if I can find my old Army picture. Let's see, the basic features are the same, BUT I'm much younger, have a little more hair, no whiskers (of course), and a LOT less weight.:oops:
  • 20th July 07, 06:22 AM
    Dirk Skene
    I saw that on your MySpace. It is a sharp pic :) you raelly look nice bddy. My grandfather & uncle were Airforce. We buried uncle John at Arlington the Febuary after the attack.
  • 20th July 07, 06:30 AM
    here's one of me... pre first gulf war...

  • 20th July 07, 06:41 AM
    Tattoo Bradley
    Wow! So, I can see "three up; three down" but can't tell what's in the middle? Were you "top" or "Sar'nt Major"? There's a picture of me somewhere in Army Class A (I did a "try-one" in the ARNG) I look pretty much the same as this picture, just with a beret. They would have been only about a year or year and a half apart.
  • 20th July 07, 06:45 AM
    Tattoo Bradley

    Originally Posted by MysticMead View Post
    here's one of me... pre first gulf war...


    Ah, an SP eh? Believe it or not I spent a lots of time in camo net and tents. I was 2A652 (Aerospace Ground Equipment.) But, I found myself in an ACS the second half of my enlistment. Google "729th ACS" if your interested (as I often am) about units.

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