X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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You, without a witty comeback??? What's this world coming to???
Geez! ;-)
I know, John! Her comment caught me so off guard I couldn't come up with anything good. I'll have to try harder if it happens again. LOL
Not everyone knows that if you're man enough to wear the kilt, you're man enough to ignore the cold.:cool::D
" I can go home and change, but you will be stupid forever"
This has become myy standard line.
Originally Posted by MacDanar
Is that how the wellie toss got its start? :lol:
You know, I've always wondered... this might just be the answer! :D
Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt
All I could do was look at her, shrug my shoulders, and say "obviously not!" Some people's mothers!
I think you responded appropriately.
It's been my experience that witty comebacks are often wasted on people who are that ignorant.
Originally Posted by Frank McGrath
" I can go home and change, but you will be stupid forever"
This has become my standard line.
That's one of my favorites. I also like, "With enough money, I could fix my ugly mug, but you'll still be stupid."
Too true. Witty comebacks ARE often wasted on the ignorant!
To quote Judge Judy;
"Madam, beauty fades - but dumb is forever!" :lol:
I can understand it when some people mistake a kilt for a skirt, but to get it mixed up with a dress . . . well, I just don't fathom that one. Glad to here you're wearing a kilt in the cold in Manitoba, Al - good on you!
Originally Posted by Macman
I can understand it when some people mistake a kilt for a skirt, but to get it mixed up with a dress . . . well, I just don't fathom that one. Glad to here you're wearing a kilt in the cold in Manitoba, Al - good on you!
I've had a lot more people call it a dress than call it a skirt. I usually respond with "it's not a dress, it's a skirt." which just confuses them until they realize I'm joking.
But the point is, a lot of people seem to use the terms interchangeably.