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Some people's mothers...

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  • 3rd February 08, 03:07 AM

    You, without a witty comeback??? What's this world coming to???

    Geez! ;-)

  • 3rd February 08, 05:15 AM
    Mr. Kilt
    I know, John! Her comment caught me so off guard I couldn't come up with anything good. I'll have to try harder if it happens again. LOL
  • 3rd February 08, 05:20 AM
    Not everyone knows that if you're man enough to wear the kilt, you're man enough to ignore the cold.:cool::D
  • 3rd February 08, 05:51 AM
    Frank McGrath
    " I can go home and change, but you will be stupid forever"

    This has become myy standard line.
  • 3rd February 08, 12:48 PM
    The Supreme Canuck

    Originally Posted by MacDanar View Post
    Is that how the wellie toss got its start? :lol:

    You know, I've always wondered... this might just be the answer! :D
  • 4th February 08, 08:14 AM
    Clockwork John

    Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt View Post
    All I could do was look at her, shrug my shoulders, and say "obviously not!" Some people's mothers!

    I think you responded appropriately.
    It's been my experience that witty comebacks are often wasted on people who are that ignorant.


    Originally Posted by Frank McGrath View Post
    " I can go home and change, but you will be stupid forever"

    This has become my standard line.

    That's one of my favorites. I also like, "With enough money, I could fix my ugly mug, but you'll still be stupid."
  • 4th February 08, 08:21 AM
    Too true. Witty comebacks ARE often wasted on the ignorant!
  • 4th February 08, 08:21 AM
    To quote Judge Judy;

    "Madam, beauty fades - but dumb is forever!" :lol:
  • 4th February 08, 11:28 AM
    I can understand it when some people mistake a kilt for a skirt, but to get it mixed up with a dress . . . well, I just don't fathom that one. Glad to here you're wearing a kilt in the cold in Manitoba, Al - good on you!
  • 4th February 08, 03:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    I can understand it when some people mistake a kilt for a skirt, but to get it mixed up with a dress . . . well, I just don't fathom that one. Glad to here you're wearing a kilt in the cold in Manitoba, Al - good on you!

    I've had a lot more people call it a dress than call it a skirt. I usually respond with "it's not a dress, it's a skirt." which just confuses them until they realize I'm joking.

    But the point is, a lot of people seem to use the terms interchangeably.

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