X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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Can't quite read the sign but how many £'s for a dram of Glenfarclas 15...?
How old is the stag or elk or Moose at the museum? That would make a lot of Jerky....:doh:
It's nice to see a museum with a sense of humor. Great pics as usual, Robertson.
The stag is probably from the Pleistocene, around the time of the last ice ages, which would put it around 50,000-15,000 ybp.
last yin in Uisge Beatha...
here arr their candle holders...
the front is Talisker...
the others arr Balvenie, Bowmore, an Sheep Dip...
they had these whisky candle holders a' o'er the bit...
A great posting and an education as well. If all museums were like this, you'd need to book up months ahead.
Originally Posted by mbhandy
Can't quite read the sign but how many £'s for a dram of Glenfarclas 15...?
How old is the stag or elk or Moose at the museum? That would make a lot of Jerky....:doh:
ai cannae remember the price... it wuz roon £2.50... fur that yin...
the Giant Deer deed aff roon 5000 BCE...
next we checked intae oor room...
a lovely yin it wuz tae!
we were happy tae fin' a complimentary mini bar, an decanters o' whisky, sherry, an gin....
here ai am helpin mysel' tae the whisky...
ai shuid mention that ma shirt is actually much maire o' an olive green in reality
than it lueks in the pics... it actually matched the kilt quite weel...
must bae some synthetic dye no responding weel tae the photo...
then a quick drink afore headin oot tae dinner....
(complimentary drinks in the hotel bar!)
sad we have tae gae a' the wa' tae Glasga fur sushi...
but sae it is...
we had a guid sushi supper...