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  • 15th February 06, 05:57 AM
    I'm in, I reckon one of those would look fine on this new FK!
  • 15th February 06, 11:50 AM

    Originally Posted by Mike n NC
    $15 cdn? For a custom designed and made patch? I've seen mass production ones selling for more. Count me in Steve, I'll get in touch.


    And I've had custom designed and made patches made up myself, and they were around $5.00, and I only had about 10 of them done. If you check out the sites for patchmakers, they are very reasonable...around $1.50 each in lots of 100 for up to 7 colors of thread. Smaller quantities are available at a slightly higher cost.

    I'm just saying from my experience that it seems a bit high. Just my opinion.
  • 15th February 06, 11:51 AM
    Alan H
    I'm in for two. Mail coming.
  • 16th February 06, 02:34 PM
    Say Steve...

    Do you have a picture of the final production patch?

  • 16th February 06, 07:49 PM
    The Wizard of BC
    Of course I do.

    So, by your command. The final, production version of the one and only X Marks embroidered patch.

    I used the X Marks Tartan as a background.
    There are a couple of mistakes on this one so I can't sell it. OH GOODIE, one for me.
  • 16th February 06, 08:14 PM
    Hey Steve, what is the final size? That looks slightly larger than the original one, but I can't be sure.

  • 16th February 06, 08:22 PM
    The Wizard of BC
    Nope, same size.

    Dia. of the circle is 2"
    total length top to bottom is 3.5"
  • 16th February 06, 08:35 PM
    Southern Breeze
    Very nice!
  • 16th February 06, 10:44 PM
    The Wizard of BC
    OK guys, I have 20 patches ordered.

    Please be patient as I do not have one of the $50,000.00 machines. I have to change thread colors manually. In between making kilt logos and doing the buttonholes, I can finish 3 patches a day.

    Invoices will go out this weekend and I've already finished 3.
  • 17th February 06, 08:16 AM
    Southern Breeze
    Thanks for the update. :D

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