X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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  • 10th February 06, 09:30 PM
    The Wizard of BC
    Embroidered X Marks Clan Crest
    Last month there were a couple of threads where people put forth the request for a patch of or badge that we X Markers could use to identify each other.

    I promised to post pics of the Embroidered X Marks Clan Crest patch I was doing.

    CAUTION: This has not been approved by Hank!!!!

    I just wanted to post these so you guys could make rude comments.

    The raw crest as it comes out of the machine with the backing cloth still on it.


    The crest trimmed and on the X Marks Tartan.

  • 10th February 06, 09:33 PM
    Great Design! I like what I've seen of your kilts as well.
  • 10th February 06, 09:35 PM
    Southern Breeze
    Looks great! Will they be available soon?
  • 10th February 06, 09:36 PM
    Put me in line for one, how much and when?
  • 10th February 06, 10:05 PM
    Mr. Kilt
    Rude comments?????

    I can see nothing there that would be deserving of a rude comment. I rather like your design. If Hank approves them, I would be happy to buy one or three. :grin:
  • 10th February 06, 11:27 PM
    Where does the line begin? ;) ;)
  • 11th February 06, 12:35 AM
    I'm next in line.
  • 11th February 06, 01:51 AM

    I have two questions about the design, which I hope are not rude. First, would enlarging the patch a little make the lettering clearer? Second, what is the brown and gold thingy at the bottom end of the belt?
  • 11th February 06, 05:10 AM
    Me too! MeToo! I gotta have one too.
  • 11th February 06, 05:56 AM
    The only rude remark is why can't I have one now. Billmcc, the little brown and gold thingy is the kilt belt end or buckle. You see it on a lot of clan insignias.

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