Some people's mothers...
Karen and I drove over to the nearest city today to check out their Winter Festival. They had numerous country pavillions, and we wanted to check out the Scottish, Irish, and German ones (Karen's parents are both German).
The Scottish pavillion was pretty good, although I was the only kilted male there who wasn't a volunteer. I managed to buy a pair of Lovat Green Locharron kilt hose from one of the few vendors. We stayed for a short while then drove over the the Irish pavillion. We were quite disappointed with that one, very little in the way of displays and most folk didn't seem very friendly. It felt like a bad St Patrick's day bar party. :(
The last one we stopped at was the German one, and as we walked through the parking lot to the entrance a younger woman with her kids looked at me and said "isn't it a little cold to be wearing a dress?" It was -20C outside at the time. I was totally gobsmacked! All I could do was look at her, shrug my shoulders, and say "obviously not!" Some people's mothers! :roll: At least the pavillion made up for it...great food, excellent music and dancing, and lots of friendly people.
This was the first day that I've been out kilted since we moved to Manitoba. I'll add a few pics of the Scottish pavillion shortly.
I had that happen only once...
I stopped and took the time to explain that 8 yards of 16 oz wool wrapped around me was far warmer than 1-1/2 yards of 6 oz cotton/poly in the form of slacks. At -40 I would still be rather toasty. As to the dress part, I would point out that a man's tartan kilt does not extend above the waist.
Of the four boys she had in tow, one of them asked if I had Scottish blood. GRIN
See, that's where you fly into a rage and throw a log at her. Or, you know, walk away like you did. :)
Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt
"isn't it a little cold to be wearing a dress?" It was -20C outside at the time.
Yep! That's why I'm wearing a kilt!
I have a friend whose wife, every time she sees me in my kilt says"Oh, he's got his skirt on again!" Wow that's funny!:wall:
We had a whole thread on the "cold" question, and it doesn't seem to change that people can't believe that we aren't cold.... go figure.
Originally Posted by SteveB
Of the four boys she had in tow, one of them asked if I had Scottish blood. GRIN
The few times I have been asked that exact question I have always replied "yes, I keep a few jars of it in the fridge."
Originally Posted by The Supreme Canuck
See, that's where you fly into a rage and throw a log at her. Or, you know, walk away like you did. :)
Personally, I say "No! It's a great day for it. Of course, intelligent people call it a kilt." And then I walk away.
Appearently "Stupid" does not freeze at -20*c
Just do this:
1: Raise your right hand
2: Place it over your left shoulder, palm side facing your ear
3: Pray to God for the his guidance and strength as you smack the "stupid" out of her.
Originally Posted by OFCJAX
Just do this:
1: Raise your right hand
2: Place it over your left shoulder, palm side facing your ear
3: Pray to God for the his guidance and strength as you smack the "stupid" out of her.
JAX is a stern proponent of keeping the MacPimp Hand strong. Fortunately, he doesn't use me for practice. Much.
Originally Posted by The Supreme Canuck
See, that's where you fly into a rage and throw a log at her. Or, you know, walk away like you did. :)
Is that how the wellie toss got its start? :lol:
Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt
All I could do was look at her, shrug my shoulders, and say "obviously not!"