Celtic Themed Tattoos
I am in the process of planning the next trip to the ink parlor (damn that Miami Ink TV show!!) and thought that I would pass on one of my favouritew sources for Celtic themed tattoos. I know there are a few guys and gals on the site that have Celtic (and non Celtic) tattoos.
I already have this luckenbooth on my back and will be adding the MacKenzie clan motto and something else to it
and a claddagh and band incorporated into a bigger design on one arm
Time to figure out what will be going on the other arm now. Some great designs on Pat Fish's site http://www.luckyfishart.com/ Have a look.
Aahh Colin...you brought up my other addiction...I myself love celtic tattooing (2 of them and counting), its so intriguing, and elaborate. I got an idea for a celtic tat on my calf, of course it will be after I finish my arm piece (hopefully this friday). Do post pics when you get it done!!!!
Originally Posted by Iņaki
Do post pics when you get it done!!!!
Same to you, mate. I want to see how that arm piece looks completed. I am going to talk to my tattoo guy next weekend, so hopefully not too long of a wait to get some work done.
Now hiding a new kilt from the wife isn't that tough, but a new tattoo will be :D
I have two celtic tattoos. The first one was done 2 years ago.
The other one (for some reason I can't link it) is of my wifes initials done in runes on my ring finger. I'm planing on getting more ink done, but with buying cilts and accessories, and having two (fantastic) little kids, money isn't easy to come by.
By the way Colin, that's a cool looking tat.(B)
Originally Posted by Big Dave
I'm planing on getting more ink done, but with buying cilts and accessories, and having two (fantastic) little kids, money isn't easy to come by.
By the way Colin, that's a cool looking tat.(B)
I hear you. I have tried to add some work in when I can, but with my 30th coming up in November, I want to get 2 that I have been holding off on as a gift for myself. The kids' birthdays will have been done by than.
I like the cross, what shop did you go to?
I really really really REALLY want a celtic tattoo. The only thing holding me back right now is cost. I can't decide which to do first: either a band of celtic knot work, or an Ionian cross (celtic cross). If I go for the cross first, I can't decide where to put it either: upper arm, shoulder, side of lower leg, chest.
I do have a few questions to throw out to the forum...
Is it true that color tattoos fade quickly? If that is the case, I am just going to stick with solid black.
It has been suggested to me that tattoos would not work for me because (as my online nick suggests) I am hairy, very hairy... all over. About the only clean canvas on me for tattoo art is my forehead, and I am NOT getting a tattoo there. Ok... and my feet and palms are hairless too. Anyway... I was just wanting to get some general opinions about that.
And last, what kind of prices should I expect?
I'll have to admit I don't understand the whole tattoo thing. I can say that I have seen some that were impressive, but none that I really like. I will say that some I have seen here ARE impressive.
Nothing against you guys that want to do it, but I didn't come into the world with any ink and I won't be leaving with any. I'd rather spend my money on other things.
Oh, and nothing will get pierced unless I fall on a sharp stick.:wink:
One Day I swear to visit this guy....sorry Colin not got up the bottle yet
The links are in Danish but the fotos speak for themselves
Originally Posted by furrycelt
I really really really REALLY want a celtic tattoo. The only thing holding me back right now is cost. I can't decide which to do first: either a band of celtic knot work, or an Ionian cross (celtic cross). If I go for the cross first, I can't decide where to put it either: upper arm, shoulder, side of lower leg, chest.
I do have a few questions to throw out to the forum...
Is it true that color tattoos fade quickly? If that is the case, I am just going to stick with solid black.
It has been suggested to me that tattoos would not work for me because (as my online nick suggests) I am hairy, very hairy... all over. About the only clean canvas on me for tattoo art is my forehead, and I am NOT getting a tattoo there. Ok... and my feet and palms are hairless too. Anyway... I was just wanting to get some general opinions about that.
And last, what kind of prices should I expect?
I'm a bit of a hairy bastard myself. It depends on how hairy your arms are. If it's faint or light hair, the tattoo will be fine. If it is extremely hairy and course, it may not work that well.
My first tattoo has a lot of colour wheras the other two are mainly black and grey. I can't say I have seen anymore fade in the colour than in the black. Just remember that red is one of those colours that may or may not set well.
Price? The shop I go to is around $150/ hour
Originally Posted by davedove
I'll have to admit I don't understand the whole tattoo thing. I can say that I have seen some that were impressive, but none that I really like. I will say that some I have seen here ARE impressive.
Nothing against you guys that want to do it, but I didn't come into the world with any ink and I won't be leaving with any. I'd rather spend my money on other things.
Oh, and nothing will get pierced unless I fall on a sharp stick.
Hey, to each their own, they are definetely not for everyone. My wife doesn't get it either, but like most things I do she just goes along with it. I see it as when I kick it either the big furnace or worms will eat the skin off first, so it doesn't matter :) I never expected to get more than one, but they are proving to be as addictive and more expensive than kilts.
Only have one right now, a sgian dubh on my right calf:
Picture taken right after it was finish, all shiny and with a spot or two of blood (apologies to the squemish). My wife and I are looking into both getting a celtic eternity knot, something kinda like this:
inside our forearms. Price is holding us back right now. And tattoos are one thing you don't want to go cheap on. Get it done, and get it done right.
Fortunately, the hair on my arm is pretty fine, so it still works after it grew back in.
The next one is going to be in Ogham, on the back of one finger.
The fellow that did mine said that white will usually fade away before anything else. He advised using a really high-factor sunscreen on any ink, before going into the sun.
That's a really nice looking tattoo Mike. I had thought about doing one on my wrist, but haven't gone there yet.
I'm thinking about balancing that one with the Lamont crest, over on the other wrist. Someday.
I nearly put this one on my upper arm and when I saw how well the art turned out, I couldn't bring myself to 'hide' it. :wink:
My biggest problem is I can hear a new kilt calling my name, Steve is tempting me with new shirts and vests and there's a certain young lady in Scotland that I am wanting to get back across to see.
Originally Posted by Mike1
The fellow that did mine said that white will usually fade away before anything else. He advised using a really high-factor sunscreen on any ink, before going into the sun.
My pic dossn't do my tat justice, but it was done two years ago and it's blacker now then it was when I had it done. I moisturize my tattoos everyday, I know it sounds sissy, but it works. I figure if you are going to spend the money for a tattoo in the first place, you might as well take care of it. (B)
The trick to keeping the colors bright and fresh is...keep them away from long exposure to the sun!!!!! as well as moisturized, especially at the beginning.
To me, my tats are something I dont expect anybody to understand. Each one of them are special in their own way...
"My body is not a temple...it's an empty canvas". Iņaki Soler, 2005.
Looking to add another to my other shoulder. I'm trying to combine a celtic feel and a Japanese Martial Art. I think I have it figured out. Will post a pic here if ever it goes to ink. My tattooist is always a 9 month booking. My wife is looking to add one more tattoo on her back. She's talking about a celtic cross and ivey on her lower back. I don't mind, I will see it more than she will.
Kilted Stuart
Originally Posted by arrogcow
Very cool.:cool:
Iņaki, all I have to say is...Wow, cool tats, especially the tree of life tattoo.:cool:
I have eleven tats. All very spiritual to me. None Celtic....yet. Not sure where to put them now. Maybe a huge clan crest on my Buddha belly :p
Have a full back and most of my chest done. Here's pics. If they don't come out they're on page one and page nine of my gallery.
Oh, I don't worry about color fade. I waited until I was 59 to get my first one. Should still be pretty fresh when I check out.
http://www.veletron.plus.com/imff/vi.../aaj.thumb.jpg http://www.veletron.plus.com/imff/vi.../aeo.thumb.jpg
I have to add mine into the mix as well. This is something I designed myself, and took three 8 hour sessions to finish - 8 hours for the outline, 8 hours for the shadding, and finally 8 hours for the colors and finishing touches.
Brian Mackay
Thats a nice tatoo. You should be proud of that one. Its worth the time and the "feeling" you get to get a tatoo that you love. That is a nice one!!!
Kilted Stuart
I have been seriously thinking about one, my clan crest on my right upper arm. My daughter works with a woman whose husband is a tattoo artist, he will come to your house and do your tattoo. charges half of what you'd pay if you went to the shop he works for. Says he gets the same money that way.
Now the only barricade is the way my wife feels about them, she really does not like them. It almost borders on disgust. Bad memories from a former boy friend. :? :?
3 celtic and one fire maltese but I'll only show the celtics.....BTW this was done with a REALLY POOR picture camera....its a HDD video camera....great for vids...sux for pics[IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...r/PIC_0027.jpg[/IMG] it says fire water and air in Scottish Gaelic[IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...r/PIC_0032.jpg[/IMG] my family crest[IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...r/PIC_0037.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...r/PIC_0034.jpg[/IMG] and two views of my arm band
8days till the high holy day!!!
One of these days I would like to get one or two like this..http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...r/PIC_0032.jpgOnly I would get them in the Murray crests.. I have a choice of two, the Mermaid or the Demi Savage... I have always loved the Demi Savage and my dearly departed brother love the Mermaid.
I was think of one on each shoulder and then putting my brothers initials under the Mermaid as a tribute..
Why I skipped out of work Wednesday
Here is the latest work that was done this past Wednesday. I took these about 2 hours later, so it is still a bit red. The arm band and name are about 5 years (name) and 10 years (band) old.
those are some SWEET tats, gents! I especially like the sgain on the calf...very cool idea. wonder how many times you get questions about that one when wearing hose?
I've been thinking a lot about a Celtic tat lately; my wife has even dropped some hints of encouragement, but quite frankly I'm terrified of Hepatitis C (and I really enjoy donating blood).
That Danish tat site is unbelieveable!!!
How about a bit of arm twisting from you inked up guys? Am I being a weenie?
Any reputable shop is cleaner than most homes and hospitals. They replace almost all parts of the tattoo gun , needles, covering of the wires, etc with each new person. Anything to avoid cross contamination. As for giving blood, do what I just did. Donate a month before the tattoo appointment. You can't donate for a year after the fact.
I won't lie, it can hurt at times, but it is not nearly as bad as most people think. So I could have bought that 5 yard kilt I wanted, or i could have bought the dog I have really been wanting, but instead I got something I drew up that will last a lifetime.
Originally Posted by Tartan Hiker
How about a bit of arm twisting from you inked up guys? Am I being a weenie?
No, you're simply being concerned. The thing to do is visit a reputable shop and have them show you the lengths they go through to ensure there is no cross-contamination.
As for the amount of pain, I think that really depends on where the tattoo is being placed and the individual's ability to tolerate pain. I fell asleep while the artist was filling in color on mine. About 30 minutes after he was finished, it felt like I had been sunburned. After 24 hours, there was no more discomfort.
Colin, it looks good. How long was the sitting?
Originally Posted by Colin
Any reputable shop is cleaner than most homes and hospitals. They replace almost all parts of the tattoo gun , needles, covering of the wires, etc with each new person.
This is true. A friend of mine does web work for Blue Dragon Tattoo in Phoenix, AZ.
They've got an online gallery just for Celtic work. Probably don't want to surf some of their site from your place of employment.
Originally Posted by Mike1
No, you're simply being concerned. The thing to do is visit a reputable shop and have them show you the lengths they go through to ensure there is no cross-contamination.
As for the amount of pain, I think that really depends on where the tattoo is being placed and the individual's ability to tolerate pain. I fell asleep while the artist was filling in color on mine. About 30 minutes after he was finished, it felt like I had been sunburned. After 24 hours, there was no more discomfort.
Colin, it looks good. How long was the sitting?
Mike, the total sitting was just under 3 hours.
You aren't kidding about pain depending on location. I have done the inside of both arms as well as my upper back. The top of the arm was almost non existant. I too closed my eyes for about 15 minutes this time around. That humming makes a guy sleepy.
Colin- Looks good. My wife and I are getting a similar knot done. Me on my inside forearm, her most likely on the back of the kneck. Considerably smaller than what you have! :lol:
KT, you asked about the sgian....I have acutally not gotten any questions about it. I thought I would. At the Celtic music fest in PA a few months ago I got several compliments, but they already knew what it was. And it's actaully low enough that if I do have hose on it can't be seen.
Originally Posted by Tartan Hiker
I've been thinking a lot about a Celtic tat lately; my wife has even dropped some hints of encouragement, but quite frankly I'm terrified of Hepatitis C (and I really enjoy donating blood).
That Danish tat site is unbelieveable!!!
How about a bit of arm twisting from you inked up guys? Am I being a weenie?
just keep in mind that the closer the skin is to the bone ( like the ankle, for instance) the more it will probably hurt. I've got two tats ( on on each upper arm), and they didn't hurt much. Just depends on your tolerance for pain and the location of the tat.
Yup, the not donating blood for a year is a downside of the tats...but I finally decided to take some time for me. Went back to donating after the year.
A tattoo shop that uses new or sterilized needles and little ink cups shouldn't be a problem if the artist gloves up too.
The pain is soooooo exquisite....but in the rough spots I found the cortizone cream applied before the work helped...think the shops offer similar creams.
Glad I only had to do my sternum one time....and dang, there are some nerves in the fleshy part of my back that respond like the thin skin over bones..
Great tats guys. I too am thinking about getting one here soon. Hopefully I'm going to get it done before I leave Turkey. We'll see how the finances go.
Looks like a nice bit of ink Colin...I wish I had it in me to vist a tattoo shop
Great looking tattoo Colin. I'm jonesing bad to get some more ink done, maybe for FathersDay? (B)