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Airman Bradley

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  • 19th July 07, 12:07 PM
    Tattoo Bradley
    Airman Bradley
    Seeing as the topic of military service has been brought up several times on the board, and I recall a poll about those having served in the military, I thought I'd post this. Most everyone here knows what I look like now and where my life has taken me since my AF days. So, the difference is almost striking. Mom scanned this and sent it to me the other day. Judging from my rank and the lack of a National Defense ribbon on my jacket, I would guess this picture was taken sometime right before or possibly right after September 11, 2001 (NDSM was awarded a couple of months after the attacks.)

  • 19th July 07, 12:09 PM
    This guy looks sort of familiar. I just can't place him though... :lol:

    A handsome picture to be proud of!


  • 19th July 07, 12:27 PM
    Great picture, thanks for posting it.
  • 19th July 07, 12:34 PM
    Dude. you look so respectable. Damn, I have to go and see if I have any of my old enlistment pictures...nah, I still didn't look respectable back then.

  • 19th July 07, 12:47 PM
    Where does the time go? excellent pic and post! Thank you for your service.
  • 19th July 07, 02:21 PM
    Great picture there, I spent some time with the Air National Guard in the early 80's but alas those pictures have long since vanished:(
  • 19th July 07, 02:27 PM
    Looking good. Well done on serving your country.
  • 19th July 07, 02:48 PM
    Wow Brad, That certainly shows how life can change someone (for the better, I might add!)
  • 19th July 07, 03:22 PM
    You certainly look different. You're still a handsome chap.
    Thank you for your service.
  • 19th July 07, 03:33 PM
    John Fiske
    Great picture. Thank you for your service to our country! :clap:
  • 19th July 07, 03:40 PM
    Hey, I just noticed the star within those three bars. I guess you were in after they changed the name of that rank from Sergeant to Senior Airman.
  • 19th July 07, 03:46 PM
    You look pretty sharp in your uniform but I do admit that it is a little odd seeing you sans kilt, piercings, tattoos and all.
  • 19th July 07, 05:44 PM
    Airman Brad meet Soldier Thomas
    Hey Brad, I found an old picture before I got commissioned, not the best quality but one of the few I have, It is amazing how much we change isn't it!!

    This was also before 9/11/01

  • 19th July 07, 06:32 PM
    Mr. MacDougall
    Geeze, I had a lot less fruit salad on my uniform when I got out than either of you, and I saved people's lives! :wink: :cool:
  • 19th July 07, 09:52 PM
    I see you've cut your hair since.
  • 20th July 07, 04:46 AM
    Man, you actually look presentable.:lol:

    I'll have to see if I can find my old Army picture. Let's see, the basic features are the same, BUT I'm much younger, have a little more hair, no whiskers (of course), and a LOT less weight.:oops:
  • 20th July 07, 06:22 AM
    Dirk Skene
    I saw that on your MySpace. It is a sharp pic :) you raelly look nice bddy. My grandfather & uncle were Airforce. We buried uncle John at Arlington the Febuary after the attack.
  • 20th July 07, 06:30 AM
    here's one of me... pre first gulf war...

  • 20th July 07, 06:41 AM
    Tattoo Bradley
    Wow! So, I can see "three up; three down" but can't tell what's in the middle? Were you "top" or "Sar'nt Major"? There's a picture of me somewhere in Army Class A (I did a "try-one" in the ARNG) I look pretty much the same as this picture, just with a beret. They would have been only about a year or year and a half apart.
  • 20th July 07, 06:45 AM
    Tattoo Bradley

    Originally Posted by MysticMead View Post
    here's one of me... pre first gulf war...


    Ah, an SP eh? Believe it or not I spent a lots of time in camo net and tents. I was 2A652 (Aerospace Ground Equipment.) But, I found myself in an ACS the second half of my enlistment. Google "729th ACS" if your interested (as I often am) about units.
  • 20th July 07, 06:51 AM
    Brad ,I was a proud Top Kick of an infantry company:)!!!
  • 20th July 07, 07:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Tattoobradley View Post
    Ah, an SP eh? Believe it or not I spent a lots of time in camo net and tents. I was 2A652 (Aerospace Ground Equipment.) But, I found myself in an ACS the second half of my enlistment. Google "729th ACS" if your interested (as I often am) about units.

    yep,... SP (Security Specialist).. who was also Ranger trained...Air Assault Trained...and was slotted for Airborne school when I blew out my knee on a training exercise.. Was a M-60 gunner as well as trained on the MK-19 (40mm automatic grenade launcher).. I spent my last 2 years (out of 10 total) at Grand Forks AFB... assigned to Cavalier Air Station (Over the Horizon Radar)... there are times when I miss the military life... but then I look at my family and my house...and get over missing the military life real quick :D
  • 20th July 07, 08:57 AM
    I wouldn't recognize you at all!!! Wow, what a change (for better or worse? that's your call, haha!)
  • 20th July 07, 07:58 PM
    Ya' look good, lad - but it's a bit hard to recognize you without a blackberry in the lobe. :lol:
  • 30th July 07, 12:37 PM
    Okay, I finally got a copy of my picture from Mom. This was taken during basic training, just after we got the Class A's. There is no rank sewn on, I hadn't yet received any badges or ribbons, and it looks like I don't even have a name tag yet. This would be from November 1985. Man, who is that kid.:)

  • 30th July 07, 12:54 PM
    did you start getting tats while in the service or after. i know while i was in the USCG a lot of guys would get some really spectacular tats.
  • 30th July 07, 12:56 PM
    Tattoo Bradley
    I had quite a few tattoos before I separated. I was actually pretty far out of USAF regulations, but my Flight Sgt. didn't make a stink as I left my BDU top on at all times.
  • 31st July 07, 01:38 PM
    Got ya. I know they just posted some new regs on forearms. Its too bad because one of my friends got a fantastic celtic "box" on his forearm that looked fantastic.
  • 31st July 07, 02:17 PM
    Tattoo Bradley
    Well, I'm not sure what the new update is on the USAF regs. But, when I was in, it was "no more than 25% of an exposed limb, nothing above the collar bone." I had well over 25% on my left forearm alone. When I left, I decided to join a Reserve/National Guard unit. But, I knew the USAF reg was going to inhibit that. So, I looked into the Army NG, and learned that the reg (at the time) was "not exposed when wearing Class A Uniform." By that regulation, my full sleeves were perfectly fine. After I had left the ARNG, I they changed the reg to allow neck and hand tattoos... there were some limits. I'm not sure if they've backed off of that position, but it was only a year or two ago they allowed the neck/hand thing.
  • 1st August 07, 09:02 AM
    The Army has a new policy on tattoos based on the numbers of people now sporting ink on more parts of the body. Tattoos are now allowed on the back of the neck, defined as below and behind the jawbone, and the backs of the hands as long as they are not sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive. Of course, that determination is up to the chain of command. The new policy is also aimed more at initial entry Soldiers rather than a blueprint of where current Soldiers can get tattoos. None are allowed on the head or face other than cosmetic (permanent eyebrows). The message that details the changes is ALARACT 017/2006.

  • 1st August 07, 10:21 AM
    Tattoo Bradley
    That update was the last I had heard Tony. Thanks for the message details though!
  • 1st August 07, 01:55 PM
    couple of pics
  • 1st August 07, 01:56 PM
    nope it didn't
  • 1st August 07, 02:05 PM
    Here is one for the sub guys had to get a Navy pic in:)
  • 1st August 07, 02:09 PM
    One more just hanging around ....Never be the guy on the bottom you are gonna get dunked in the water and everything that is not secured falls on you.
  • 1st August 07, 06:52 PM
    Tattoo Bradley
    Cool!! I just watched "Man of Honor" the other day. What a great movie. Gave me a new found respect.
  • 1st August 07, 07:09 PM
    dpseadvr those are two amazing photos, thanks for posting those, just amazing.
  • 1st August 07, 07:14 PM
    That movie is soooo fake and made for Hollywood there still are very few black divers one in my dive class and he failed out. But he caused his acident kicked the wire rope while it was under tension, not by saving people or doing anything good.

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