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Duct Tape Kilts

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  • 24th August 08, 06:48 PM
    Duct Tape Kilts
    So I recently discovered that duct tape comes in plaid, red and green, which led me to think about what my boyfriend said. Yesterday we were talking and he said he should wear a kilt to prom, and coincidentally we were talking about duct tape clothing. So I searched and figured out how to make clothing out of duct tape, shoes too. So if you're interested let me know, and I will tell you how to make ANYTHING out of duct tape.
  • 24th August 08, 06:49 PM
    The handyman's secret weapon :)
  • 24th August 08, 06:54 PM
    auld argonian
    ...and one of my daughter's classmates in grammar school did up a very good duct tape kilt a couple of years ago...I have to ask his mom for a copy of the photo so I can share it with you all. The kid did a great job!


  • 24th August 08, 07:28 PM
    Carolina Kiltman
    :welcome: :newbie: From the Cape Fear Valley, NC Add WD-40, and you have everything needed for success in life! :thewave:
  • 24th August 08, 08:57 PM
    :welcome: from Boston, Massachusetts. Duct tape is great, just do not stay out in the sun in it. Gooey sticky mess, plus it hurts to take off.
  • 24th August 08, 09:06 PM
    :piper: :welcome: from Carolina
  • 24th August 08, 10:38 PM
    Welcome from Western Montana! And I'd love to see a photo of a duct tape kilt!
  • 25th August 08, 01:12 AM
    Jock Scot
    Welcome,from Inverness-shire.
  • 25th August 08, 02:16 AM
    A warm welcome to the forum from London.

    best regards
  • 25th August 08, 04:11 AM
    Duct tape clothes . . wow, LOL. Anyway . . :welcome: from "Karst Kountry" . . beautiful Central Kentucky, USA
  • 25th August 08, 07:28 AM
    Dirk Skene
    :) A Duct Tape kilt sounds like somnething we rednecks would come up with :)
  • 25th August 08, 08:18 AM
    Big Paul
    :welcome:from Detroit, Michigan, USA!
  • 25th August 08, 08:35 AM
    I have seen pictures where it has been done before and the kids who did it did an amazing job.
  • 25th August 08, 08:36 AM
    Hello and :welcome: From a sunny and pleasant St. Louis, Mo....:cool:
  • 25th August 08, 08:38 AM
    Welcome from Dickson, Tennessee!
  • 25th August 08, 09:02 AM
    Welcome!!! - from Vancouver

    The duct tape kilt would make a great "Red Green Show" bit. May be they could have a Possum Lodge meeting where they all wear duct tape kilts. Just remember the Red Green motto: Quando Omni Flunkus Mortitati (when all else fails, play dead).
  • 25th August 08, 10:52 AM
    :welcome: from Chicago. Please post duct tape kilt pictures!
  • 25th August 08, 11:05 AM
    Duct Tape? Sounds like a MacGyver tartan.
  • 25th August 08, 11:23 AM
    Google is your friend!

  • 25th August 08, 11:41 AM
    Dr Mac
    :welcome: :newbie:, from Bryan/College Station!
    What'll they think of next!??
  • 25th August 08, 11:42 AM
    Retro Red
    So, would music to make a duct tape kilt by be Elvis' "Stuck On You"??? :think:

  • 25th August 08, 11:55 AM
    Nick the DSM

    Originally Posted by Carolina Kiltman View Post
    :welcome: :newbie: From the Cape Fear Valley, NC Add WD-40, and you have everything needed for success in life! :thewave:

    wouldn't you then slip out of the kilt?...:shock:

    welcome to xmarks!
  • 25th August 08, 12:12 PM
    Well I was hoping for pics. Welcome from Sherwood, OR. Enjoy your stay.
  • 25th August 08, 12:30 PM

    Originally Posted by GreenDragon View Post
    Duct Tape? Sounds like a MacGyver tartan.

    :rofl: . . only if there's a gum wrapper involved :mrgreen:
  • 25th August 08, 02:03 PM
    :welcome: from coastal North Carolina.

  • 25th August 08, 08:25 PM
    Welcome from Eastern Washington State. Duct tape? It should be interesting to see what you come up with.
  • 25th August 08, 08:27 PM
    Duct tape kilt? YIKES!
  • 25th August 08, 11:15 PM
    Some pics would be really good to see. Then it's much easier to evaluate.
  • 25th August 08, 11:24 PM
    Welcome to the rabble from West Texas. Remenber, duct tape is like "The Force". It has a light side and a dark side and holds the universe together.
  • 29th August 08, 11:57 AM
    Welcome from Northern Colorado!

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