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Thread: A Parrot Tartan

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    A Parrot Tartan

    Bear with me here...
    We have 2 male African Grey Parrots, one each of the 2 sub-species, a Congo (larger with a black beak and bright scarlet tail) and a Timneh (smaller, darker with a horn-coloured upper mandible and maroon tail.)

    Kumiko is our 4-year-old TAG (Timneh African Grey) from a breeder in Ontario, and Miu is our 2-year-old CAG (Congo African Grey) who is a rescue.

    Here they are, playing on an old bedspread, Kumiko left and Miu right:

    So, I was playing with the Tartan Designer at Scotweb and decided to try creating an African Grey Tartan. I thought I'd run a couple of my finalists past the discerning eyes here.

    I'm pretty happy with the colours echoing their gold eyes, black beak, white face, varied grey feathers, dark wingtips, and with the thought of being able to pleat to the red stripe in order to emulate Miu's tail in the back of a kilt

    The simpler design that I'm getting partial to:

    A little softer effect with pinstripes echoing the feather edges:

  2. #2
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    I'm sorry but...., what's the point?

  3. #3
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    Sorry, I should have said I may be just crazy enough to buy a couple of yards and have a kilt made. Granted the number of kilted African Grey owners who might be interested in this is vanishingly small...

  4. #4
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    A Parrot Tartan, hmmmmmm I like the first one the most, however I would have to agree with figheadair. If you got this tartan weaved and registered it would be a design bearly acknowledged by the wider world, it wouldn't have much to go on in respects to it's rationale, I don't know alot about parrots, and the ones I know of are in South America, which are more vibrant in colour than the Grey African. That said, if this is a designing exercise, I can say that you have an eye for detail of which captures the look of your parrots, I design tartans all the time and enjoy the creative challenges that it brings.

    All the best,


    Another Note: If you are passionate about this concept in designing the first Parrot Tartan, then this would be something to see, if cost is not the issue then by all means in the words of the BOLDHIGHLANDER LOL GO FOR IT!!!

    P.S. The Key Advice for designing tartan is...take your time with it!!! All the best!
    Last edited by Graham A. Robieson; 5th February 11 at 01:24 AM. Reason: BOLDHIGHLANDER LOL

  5. #5
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    IF you wish to design, register, and wear a tartan inspired by your parrots, I say GO FOR IT!

    It matters not if the audience for such a tartan is small, there are plenty of tartans that have a small audience appeal (some smaller than others). It only should matter to you (& your pocket book ). It wouldn't surprise me, if you posted a sample of your design (after it was woven) on an African Grey Parrot egroup (I'm sure there is such a thing), that you might find some interested takers.

    Having said that, I like the second one best.
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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  6. #6
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    I like the second one better. You have a talent for designing!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Get the word out to fans of Jimmy Buffet and you'll be set for life!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Get the word out to fans of Jimmy Buffet and you'll be set for life!

    Good call, Ern, except THAT parrot is red, green and yellow on a blue background!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I like both versions, the second a little more I think. And I like the concept of designing a African Grey tartan. I wonder if, say, the World Parrot Trust might be persuaded to get behind this somehow in support of the struggle against the exploitation of wild-caught Greys. Just a thought.

    A minute ago I told Chiyome, my own Grey (shown here being read a story by my girlfriend at her place, where we live on the weekends) that someone is designing cloth in grey-parrot colors, and she replied, "Cool!!".
    Last edited by Dale Seago; 5th February 11 at 09:58 AM. Reason: changed tartan preference
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
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  10. #10
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    Kelly and I own a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Senegal. I think it's a neat way to honor your birds. I showed Kelly the 2 designs. We personally like the second one better.

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