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Thread: raise a glass

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    raise a glass

    Ok rabble tomorrow is July eighth which for the Black Watch is Ticonderoga Day. A battle which the Watch displayed extreme courage and valor earning the title Royal. nyindependencetrail.org/stories-black-watch.html
    I hope this website comes through for anyone who may not know the history of the battle. So let's raise a glass to honor all who fought in that battle.

    P.S. While on the subject of the Black Watch let's raise a second glass to senior P/M Richard Grisdale of the Black Watch {3 Scots} on his appointment as the Sovereign's Piper. P/M Grisdale takes over for Scott Methven who left the post after his beloved wife died {from Cancer I Believe]. Once again the crown is under the protective eye of the Black Watch !!!!

  2. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to kilted redleg For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
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    Link failed for me. I'll take a shot at it.


    Is that the article you wanted?
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 11th July 19 at 06:45 AM.


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