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  1. #1
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    Freedom Kilts 'Casual' model review

    Now that I've had a few chances to wear my new Freedom Kilt 'Casual' model, I thought I'd post a review.

    I ordered this kilt back in mid-September in the hopes that I'd have it to celebrate one year of full-time kilting at the end of October. That proved to be a little optimistic. I received the kilt on January 17, so it was a long (and mostly patient) wait.

    I have a few of these reviews to do now that I've gotten around to it, so forgive the duplicated explanation in other posts.

    Since this is a review, and I'm trying to show off the kilt in these pictures, and so am not wearing a sporran, though I often do with this kilt.

    This is a Freedom Kilts 'Casual' model in navy poly/cotton twill with filligree buttons.

    The pocket options I chose were:
    • two side slash pockets
    • one left rear welt pocket (with black FK logo-see explanation below as to it's right-side placement)
    • one under-apron pocket (which I totally forgot about until I was doing a touch-up pressing for these photos!)

    I went with 2" belt loops, but my 2" belt is snug in them, and if I were to order again, I might order 3" loops. I'm not one to really call to talk over an order, but that's where special customizations could be made, say to fit an existing belt. Had I called Steve to review my order, I suppose I could have had him add a little to the 2" loops to more easily fit a 2" belt. Anyhoo...

    Here goes!

    The apron

    The pleats

    here it is on

    a shot of the pleats

    Here it's worth noting that I actually did order a pocket on the left hip. I have three UK 'Originals', but being left handed, can't use the right-hip pocket easily. When I took this kilt out of the box, I was surprised to see that what I got was one on the right.

    I contacted Steve about this, and he graciously checked to see that I had indeed ordered a left-hip pocket not a right, and then said he put a left-hip pocket on at no charge, as well as covering postage. That's service! But I'm too attached to my new kilt at the moment to do without while he adds a pocket. Guess I'll have to make do with the other pockets for now.

    The pocket I forgot I ordered until I was doing a touch-up with the iron for these photos:

    it's on the under-apron, and is angled and secured with a small bit of velcro. Cool! I can't wait to use it now that I've found it.

    A side view


    I love this kilt! It's the second made-to-measure kilt I've purchased, and, though it almost goes without saying, there's a big difference between something custom made and an off-the-rack size. My FK 'casual' fits wonderfully.

    I've never attempted to make one myself, but it's clear to me that this one is really well-constructed with lots of attention to the details that make it a great looking kilt. One that's more comfortable in a 'business casual' environment than some of my other utility kilts (not that I love those any less, they're just different).

    I should also say that Steve's claims about the wrinkle-free nature of the poly/cotton twill proved true for me. In my job I sit at a computer all day, or, for a change of pace, sit in meetings. Right out of the box, the kilt was ready to wear, though it had been folded for 6-8 days in the mail, and even after a few days of wear, it only needed its first pressing when I needed to show it off.

    Steve has been great to work with, and he's designed a web site that's clear and detailed enough on the measuring and option-choosing process COLOR="gray"](the video on how to measure helped a lot)[/COLOR] so that you don't have to call to walk through all the details of a kilt order (meaning Steve can build more kilts...or spend more time on X-Marks).

    I like my FK 'casual' so much that I will definitely order from Steve and Freedom Kilts again.
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  2. #2
    Panache's Avatar
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    Looks handsome!


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  3. #3
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    Very nice. I'll be considering one of those after I have Steve sew up my "Blue Meanie".
    Gentleman of Substance

  4. #4
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Nice kilt!

    Thanks for the review.

  5. #5
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    Very nice and I love the colour. On my FK I virtually never use my back pockets but my deep front slash pockets seem to hold all that I need to carry (no sporran when I wear my FK). And don't worry about Steve he has plenty of time on his hands, he has minions do all his heavy labour...

  6. #6
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Very nice and I love the colour. On my FK I virtually never use my back pockets but my deep front slash pockets seem to hold all that I need to carry (no sporran when I wear my FK). And don't worry about Steve he has plenty of time on his hands, he has minions do all his heavy labour...
    Minions......? I want some!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    Minions......? I want some!
    Then order a casual from Steve, and stop calling me that!

  8. #8
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    I want everyone to please notice that that Rob was very polite about mentioning my mistake. "NO! your other right!" We will now have to change all our catalogs to say "You can have your rear pocket anywhere you want it as long as it is on the right.

    Rob, my offer still stands. If you ever take that thing off, put it in a box and I will pay the shipping both ways. I'll also make sure it is fixed and on its way back to you in 2 days. I mean, I don't have anything else to do.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
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  9. #9
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    That is a beautiful colour, congratulations on the new kilt.

  10. #10
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Good looking kilt and a very nice review. I'm very impressed by Steve's offer; it shows the type of business man he is. It also makes me even happier I am on his list for two kilts.

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