So...I was at the Duke of Perth the other day and the city dropped off a pile of brochures for Celtic Fest....not to fan the flames of the controversy, but the "cover shot" prominently features the dreaded white hose! See also the Facebook group page for CeltFestChi for updates and the dreaded white hose! ...I always run into Boston Red Socks fans who tell me that they have a better chance of seeing the BoSox by coming to Chicago when they play the Canadians have a better chance of seeing these great Canadian bands in Chicago than they do up there in the Great White North? Anticipating La Botinne Souriante... Best AA
Just signed up as a "fan." But I would hasten to add that I'm a fan of Celtic Fest, not of white hose!
Animo non astutia
I gotta tell ya'...I just looked at the webpage for Chicago Celtic Fest a few minutes ago and it looks very much like it's gonna be a mere shadow of its former self. There are only a few food vendors listed and no goods vendors at all. Doesn't look like the abbreviated version of Highland Games that usually takes place isn't taking place. I dunno...such cutbacks! I'm sure that I'll be there but wow... Best AA
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