Fly Fishing Kilted
I got this book for Fathers day and just got around to reading it, only 1 picture in the book, on the title page is this -

as you can see the angler on the right is sporting a Balmoral & Kilt.
I have only fly fished twice while kilted, both times waiting for the Wife before we leave for an event.
Omnibus rebus impossibilibus remotis, quidquid relictum sit,
quamvis, debet esse veritas.
How'd ye tuck the kilt intae' yer' waders?
I actually took a fly fishing course in college (needed the PE credit) and the instructor was a man named Mac Brown. I don't know enough about fly fishing to be in the know, but I gathered he was rather well known and conducted tours across our beautiful country and even abroad, taking groups out for angling holidays.
Anyway, he and I got to talking about kilts one day, I don't recall how it came up, and he told me that he was a member of the Clan MacLeod society and had two kilts, both the MacLeod Hunting and Dress. Don't know if he ever fished in them, though.
Another friend of mine, Sam Johnson, with the Clan Gunn Society, is an avid fly fisher, and makes quite a bit of his own gear. Sam's also a kilt wearer, though again, I don't know if he's ever angled kilting.
Come to think of it, I know several more acquaintances through various Scottish societies who are also avid fly fishermen. I suppose at least one of them must have tried it in their kilt at least once or twice!
We need photos of kilted flyfishermen.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
16th July 12, 09:39 PM
i am reminded of the 'fly fishing reel', a tune i heard this weekend.
Caol Margaret (Maggie)
~consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative~
17th July 12, 11:39 AM
Try this video - http://www.shootingscotland.com/page/armchair_angling - he does a bit of kilted fishing for salmon.
17th July 12, 04:28 PM
fishing kilted
tickling trout under a bank in a kilt ..that makes sense even impressive, drowning worms from a bank in a kilt ..might still draw sneers plus worm small or minnow smell on your kilt -nah . Trouble with fishing in a kilt IF in unfamiliar waters is ..you get dunked far as I know wool takes on water and you might have a rescue situation on your hands .
Art Flick the great Catskill NY fisherman author has some claim to being Scottish he certainly looked it ..never saw him in a kilt ..but i mind he talked about a young guy who wanted to tie flies ..and returned with wool yarn dubbed dry flies ..they sank in no time because of the wool ..I think he made reference to sheep doing the same thing .
So tickling impressive, bank drowning worms safe enough ..wading in a tricky water in spate could be trouble .
17th July 12, 08:24 PM
 Originally Posted by georgeetta
So tickling impressive, bank drowning worms safe enough ..wading in a tricky water in spate could be trouble .
Yeah...maybe we don't want to encourage this kind of thing. I, for one, have frequently gotten out into water that was too fast or too deep or a combination of both and wondered *** I was thinking...I couldn't imagine having the drag of a kilt to deal with while negotiating current. Perhaps it would be a bad thing.
17th July 12, 08:53 PM
Wading in heavy water wearing a wool kilt is NOT wise and deep wading in heavy water wearing a wool kilt is plain fool hardy.
Getting a traditional kilt into a pair of chest waders is akin to trying to get the cork back into a champagne bottle. However if little or no shallow wading is required and the assorted biting insects are away, then kilted fly fishing can be an occasional treat. Its not often seen though, even in Scotland.
I have a few pictures that I could post ----if only the technology would let me!
Last edited by Jock Scot; 17th July 12 at 08:55 PM.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
17th July 12, 09:26 PM
Personally, I never figured out how to stuff my kilt into my waders (a necessity in Northwest autumn waters). However, I often consider walking the bank of my local river kilted. Something about salmon fishing + kilt = awesome. Practical? No. Romantically appealing? Absolutely.
"Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim."
Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest.
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