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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear about the bad luck with Ebay. It does pay to review a seller for negative feedback as Chef noted in his post. I believe there is a way to make a complaint directly to Ebay about this seller. I haven’t heard if this does any good though.
    I feel bad for your wife getting stung like that. My wife bought me a sgian dubh for my last birthday. However , she let me pick it out so I went with Matt Newsome at the Scottish Tartans Museum and I was really pleased with the quality.

  2. #22
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    Poor Bay Quality

    I had a very similar experience with the purchase of my first Sgian Dubh gift set. I paid something like $70.00 and the only thing of value was the kilt pin and cuff links. The sheath and handle are injected molded plastic and the handle has decorative fake carvings only on one side.

    When I gave the seller negative feedback about the poor quality of the Sgian Dubh, he said I got a $120.00 blade for next to nothing and he threatened me with negative feedback, I could care less what he thinks, I am the consumer.

    I am trying to salvage the blade and make my own Sgian Dubh.

  3. #23
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    I ordered one of those bargain basement Sgain's from Ebay.. After the sale I got zero contact from the seller... After I waited the 30 days or what ever the time is, I filed a dispute.. Long story short. I never got the Sgain, I got my money back from Paypal, The seller is out of business (both Ebay store and personal account).
    [B]Paul Murray[/B]
    Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Rogerson785 View Post
    ...and the handle has decorative fake carvings only on one side.
    Decorating a Sgian Dubh handle on one side only is a fairly practice. The smooth, undecorated side is to help prevent the handle from chaffing your leg.

  5. #25
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    <Mod hat on>

    Just a quick not to all.

    Can everyone try and avoid use of the word ****? It's Pakistani. Where I live **** is a racial slur and one that is on par with some other not so nice names for racial groups.

    We have rules on racial comments on this forum, so let's try and respect those.


    <Mod hat off.>

    Ps. Sorry the sgain dubh is crap. I have learnt in the past 5 years of kilt wearing that you really do get what you pay for. While ebay may hold the odd treasure, I find it over ridden with substandard junk of questionable quality.

  6. #26
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    You can respond to negative feedback - I did, in no uncertain terms and the seller backed down at once. Don't agree to removing the negative feedback until you have what you want, as you can't put up any further feedback after a mutual removal has gone through.

    I was eventually refunded some of the cost - but you have to complain within the time limit - and a lot of sellers will string you along until after the alotted time has passed and then just drop the matter, as they know the rules.

  7. #27
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    Sure you can leave negative feedback, but be certain you've got something to complain about (like failure to deliver what was described.) Most low cost sgians have a plastic handle and sheath (and a lot of not so low cost ones too.) If I bought any sgian that didn't specifically state that the handle was wood or bone, I would assume its plastic, regardless of the country of origin.

    If you do some shopping around you know what a "good" sgian costs, and can make a judgment about what to expect. When I bought an $8.00 sgian (shipping included!) I didn't expect it to be anything more than what it is, something decorative to put in my sock, and it serves that function admirably. (I don't want to wear my hand-carved sgian with silver fittings at a Highland games.) I also suspect that sgians of similar quality are sold for many times more.

    Best regards,

    Last edited by Monkey@Arms; 31st January 08 at 01:03 PM.
    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  8. #28
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    I notice that your link leads to a item no longer available page, or some such stuff.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeScholar View Post
    I notice that your link leads to a item no longer available page, or some such stuff.
    If you're referring to the original post, that's because it is from last year - the thread's been resurrected.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    eBay has changed (or is about to change) its feedback rule- sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for buyers, so now buyers can leave negative FB without fear of retaliation. A lot of eBay sellers are NOT happy about this change.
    "Confidence is the feeling you sometimes have before you fully understand the situation."

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