X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
 Originally Posted by HeathBar
I was watching the local ABC affiliate yesterday morning when they did a piece on the Ringling Bros. Circus that is in town (Nashville). One of the clowns was wearing a kilt. Well...it was more of a "costume" kilt. It was gathered rather than pleated. He was a clown after all. Ringling Bros. currently has 3 shows traveling. This shown is know as the 135th edition or the Red Tour, starring Bello. The kilted clown's name was Luke. He spoke with a thick Scottish accent, though his clown bio has him coming from South Dakota.
Unfortunately I can't make it this year. If this tour is coming to a city near you
you just might see Luke, the kilted clown.
ai use tae tour wi twa fellas (many year ago) thot were ex-RB cloons.... those bouys ken how tae party!...
but after several drinks ai always wound oop sayin'... "whit am ai doin oot wi you twa f*kkin' cloons?"
Last edited by Pour1Malt; 5th May 06 at 12:06 AM.
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