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  1. #81
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    Excelent work,sir. You truly deserve the title bestowed upon you as recounted in your last tale. however

  2. #82
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    Sorry. He's not allowed to write any more for at least 2 weeks. He needs to clean the garage, make way2fractious' dirk and sheath, dig up the vegetable garden so I can plant, clean the master bath, build new houses for the model train yard, make a few sgian don't for his friends, make some new black leather accessories for Sinbad's kilted outfits, put a lattice top on the fence, make an insect weathervane for a friend's wife, etc. Plus, he's picked up a few new duties on this forum as of late.

    So give the lad a break!

    Be well,

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by The F-H.C.A.G. View Post

    So give the lad a break!

    Be well,
    Ok we expect the new serial to start on 3/31 promptly!

    (BTW, I like a bride who protects her husbands time! Well done!)
    "A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon

  4. #84
    Martin S
    Have a well-earned rest, Panache!
    I just read the story from beginning to end as a post-St-Patrick's-day remedy. Great fun.
    If only everyone could learn Scottish country dancing as quickly as your 20 screaming youngsters, what a wonderful happy peaceful world this planet would be.


  5. #85
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    A fantastic tale - well done! Your full membership of the League of Moderators is clearly well deserved. I am sure you will discharge your duties in a manner not only fitting to the task, but also fitting to the man.


    In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by The F-H.C.A.G. View Post
    Sorry. He's not allowed to write any more for at least 2 weeks. He needs to clean the garage, make way2fractious' dirk and sheath, dig up the vegetable garden so I can plant, clean the master bath, build new houses for the model train yard, make a few sgian don't for his friends, make some new black leather accessories for Sinbad's kilted outfits, put a lattice top on the fence, make an insect weathervane for a friend's wife, etc. Plus, he's picked up a few new duties on this forum as of late.

    So give the lad a break!

    Be well,
    But gee. What's he going to do AFTER lunch??

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  7. #87
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    I thought I would ask...


    Does your list of things to do include patching the holes in the walls from the claymores?

    Good Story! It was well worth the wait to read each chapter. I hope you didn't get tartan burn from being too close to that Loud MacLeod yardage!

    "There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
    Statement made by pink winged pony
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  8. #88
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    Give the lad a break

    Quote Originally Posted by The F-H.C.A.G. View Post
    Sorry. He's not allowed to write any more for at least 2 weeks. He needs to clean the garage, make way2fractious' dirk and sheath, dig up the vegetable garden so I can plant, clean the master bath, build new houses for the model train yard, make a few sgian don't for his friends, make some new black leather accessories for Sinbad's kilted outfits, put a lattice top on the fence, make an insect weathervane for a friend's wife, etc. Plus, he's picked up a few new duties on this forum as of late.

    So give the lad a break!

    Be well,
    My dear lady,
    I understand your protective nature towards our esteamed Panache,. However did you have to publish his list of chores where " She who MUST be obeyed", My Lovely Wife could find them? I now despair of being able to read his next tome before it is 4 pages back, having being presented with my own "LIST" yesterday

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weasel Mender View Post
    My dear lady,
    I understand your protective nature towards our esteamed Panache,. However did you have to publish his list of chores where " She who MUST be obeyed", My Lovely Wife could find them? I now despair of being able to read his next tome before it is 4 pages back, having being presented with my own "LIST" yesterday
    Panache we are awaiting your next tome with bated breath. My wife says "If I do well on my list she MAY give an ocasional summary

  10. #90
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    A message to my Gentle Readers

    Gentle Readers,

    I am most flattered that there are some amongst our distinguished membership who find my small tales of interest. To those kind readers who have enjoyed this latest endeavor, and on it’s completion have requested another tale, be assured I shall not take your wishes lightly. However, that said, I would think it a great disservice to you to provide an inferior yarn so I ask of you to allow me to find a story worthy of your time.

    It did so happen that whilst in the Library of the Great Hall of X Marks the Scot I did come into a fascinating discussion with fellow Moderator Colin. As a resident of the great nation of Canada we were conversing on the indigenous wildlife of the northern part of his country. He mentioned a creature that had been hunted for it’s prized pelt for the making of the most handsome and distinctive of sporrans- the fabled Acryli-beast of the frozen tundra!

    I have put it to the League of the Moderators that we are sadly lacking in a Zeppelin for our conveyance. If the other Moderators see fit in their wisdom to include the purchase of one as part of our next fiscal year’s budgetary allotment, and if I am able to use it to travel Northward in hunt of this fearsome animal , and if I live to then return and tell the tale, then perhaps…just perhaps there will be another story for you.

    Until then I remain your most humble servant.

    Last edited by Panache; 10th April 07 at 09:44 AM. Reason: Opportunity to use the word "conveyance"
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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