7th March 06, 03:13 PM

Fortunately, the hair on my arm is pretty fine, so it still works after it grew back in.
The next one is going to be in Ogham, on the back of one finger.
The fellow that did mine said that white will usually fade away before anything else. He advised using a really high-factor sunscreen on any ink, before going into the sun.
Last edited by Mike1; 7th March 06 at 03:15 PM.
7th March 06, 03:16 PM
That's a really nice looking tattoo Mike. I had thought about doing one on my wrist, but haven't gone there yet.
7th March 06, 03:23 PM
I'm thinking about balancing that one with the Lamont crest, over on the other wrist. Someday.
I nearly put this one on my upper arm and when I saw how well the art turned out, I couldn't bring myself to 'hide' it. 
My biggest problem is I can hear a new kilt calling my name, Steve is tempting me with new shirts and vests and there's a certain young lady in Scotland that I am wanting to get back across to see.
7th March 06, 03:47 PM
 Originally Posted by Mike1
The fellow that did mine said that white will usually fade away before anything else. He advised using a really high-factor sunscreen on any ink, before going into the sun.
My pic dossn't do my tat justice, but it was done two years ago and it's blacker now then it was when I had it done. I moisturize my tattoos everyday, I know it sounds sissy, but it works. I figure if you are going to spend the money for a tattoo in the first place, you might as well take care of it.
7th March 06, 04:15 PM
The trick to keeping the colors bright and fresh is...keep them away from long exposure to the sun!!!!! as well as moisturized, especially at the beginning.
To me, my tats are something I dont expect anybody to understand. Each one of them are special in their own way...
"My body is not a temple...it's an empty canvas". Iņaki Soler, 2005.
7th March 06, 04:24 PM
Looking to add another to my other shoulder. I'm trying to combine a celtic feel and a Japanese Martial Art. I think I have it figured out. Will post a pic here if ever it goes to ink. My tattooist is always a 9 month booking. My wife is looking to add one more tattoo on her back. She's talking about a celtic cross and ivey on her lower back. I don't mind, I will see it more than she will.
Kilted Stuart
7th March 06, 05:38 PM
Best pic I have at the moment. It is a celtic knot that I drew.

7th March 06, 05:40 PM
 Originally Posted by arrogcow
Best pic I have at the moment. It is a celtic knot that I drew.

Very cool.
7th March 06, 08:19 PM
Alright guys, I feel left out now...so here you go...(7 months old)

and...(6 years old)
7th March 06, 09:19 PM
Iņaki, all I have to say is...Wow, cool tats, especially the tree of life tattoo.
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