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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Kilt Pin

    I am in need of a kilt pin. I have thought about what I want. I don't like what I have seen at the games. Targe/Sword, Clan Crest, and after I saw the X Marks Kilt Pin it gave me an idea. I would like to incorporate either my profession or my Irish side into my appearance.

    If the Masons can do it, why not?

    My Irish roots are Mahoney (Ó Mathghamhna) from Cork. Means "Bear."

    One of my favorite architects is Charles Rennie Mackintosh (of course!) and I have thought about using his work on my kilt...

    Option 1 Mackintosh

    Option 2 Mackintosh

    Option 3 Castle

    Also, if you haven't figured it out, I like ravens. Haven't found anything.

  2. #2
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    OK...How open-minded are you when it comes to design origin?

    The native cultures of the Pacific Northwest (Haida, Tlinglit...) have some of the most stylized images for ravens and bears going since animals figure heavily in their mythology and religion - especially Raven.

    What about blending a pin/brooch of their design. Yeah, yeah - not Celtic but I think their styling might blend with Celtic design fairly well. Take a peek:

    http://www.davidmorgan.com -- go to the Jewelry page; also has Celtic

    Not vouching for either vendor - never dealt with them. But their wares might give you some ideas.

  3. #3
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    We have some similarities.
    I am coming out with a Bear kilt pin, based on a painting by Native artist, John Walkus Green. I had to aqcuire the rights but it was money well spent. Wait until you see the coolness of the design!
    Also, My maternal great grandparents were Corbins from Ireland. Corbin is Latin for raven.

  4. #4
    A kilt pin is simply a decorative item used to weigh down the corner of a kilt's apron. Almost anything of the appropriate size and weight can be made into a kilt pin. Heck, you could make an inexpensive kilt pin by hot glueing a pin clasp to the back of a quarter (a US 25 cent coin).

    Is there any interest in a kilt pin contest? The most original and/or interesting kilt pin wins bragging rights (or maybe even a small prize from one of the advertisers?).

  5. #5
    Graham's Avatar
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    I made a kilt pin from an enamelled Guinness key chain I bought in Dublin. It's just a "pint of black stuff" with a pin on the back.

    I bet Jimmy would like one of those:-P

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    I made a kilt pin from an enamelled Guinness key chain I bought in Dublin. It's just a "pint of black stuff" with a pin on the back.

    I bet Jimmy would like one of those:-P
    Now there's an idea. I've got a keychain given to me by the brewmaster at my local pub. It's a bottle opener too.

    A Bottle-Opener Kilt Pin!!


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