Greetings all, the title says: the kilt comes tomorrow...a Stillwater Standard in the Nightstalker...I figured that Nightstalker would be a good place to start as it seems to be an "unaffiliated" tartan. I have to thank all of the participants here for all of the advice that I have picked up while "lurking"'s helped a lot in making a decision as to how to get this kilt thing off the ground.
My thirteen year old daughter and I are both going kilt...I've managed to find a Black Stewart in her size on ebay...we got started on this whole thing by (oh, geez, I hope this doesn't sound too crazy) watching Monarch of the Glen on the local PBS thing led to another...we started going to Highland was a slippery slope!
We have Celtic Fest here in Chicago in a couple of weeks and figured that it would be as good a place to start wearing the kilt as any...we will probably be somewhat less conspicuous at Celtic Fest than we would be anywhere else and that may help to get a comfort level going.
I'll try to get some photos going when all is settled.
Again, thanks to all and cheers!