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  1. #1
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    Death of an old friend.....

    My trusty old (3 years plus) computer died a quick and sudden death last week so I was forced to do a re-build this weekend. Since my system was several years old, most of the existing periferals were no longer compatible. I've installed a new Asus A8Vdelux board, 3000+ AMD proc, 1gig ddr400 ram, geforce6600 Nvidia agpx8 v/card, and enermax 450w p/s. While I'm back on line, I'm not a happy camper... but I guess I'll get over it. The $$$ I spent on this stuff could have bought a premium heavyweight handsewn traditional. I hope this system lasts as long as the last one.

    Anyway... enough crying in my beer.

    I'd like to get some opinions regarding anti-virus, anti-spy, anti-popup software to put on this new system. What programs do you use and how would you rate them. (I'd prefer to buy other than Symantec as I'm not very happy with them at the moment.)

    Thanks all


  2. #2
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Well, for starters, remove Windows.

    Install Linux.

    No more virus concerns.

  3. #3
    i agree with dreadbelly. better yet, get a mac. no crashing problems. plus you get to be part of a small minority...kilted mac-heads.

  4. #4
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by toadinakilt
    i agree with dreadbelly. better yet, get a mac. no crashing problems. plus you get to be part of a small minority...kilted mac-heads.

    I own a Mac. People get mad when they just spent a fortune on hardware and you tell them to get a different computer.

    So I was just being polite when I said "Linux."


  5. #5
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    I use Spybot Search and Destroy alongside AdAware for spy and adware. Haven't had any problems in that department. Btw, I have some extra copies of Ubuntu Linux if ya need it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
    I own a Mac. People get mad when they just spent a fortune on hardware and you tell them to get a different computer.

    So I was just being polite when I said "Linux."

    I'm away for a week and I come back and Dread is being polite, whooa.

    Yes, Mac is the only way to go, NASA wants security, they use macs.

    Those features you just installed? Pretty well standard on a Mac. My powerbook is five years old but I'll shut up now....

    The only real advice I have for now is to use Firefox as a browser.

  7. #7
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    I've been a tech for more than ten years and seen stuff come and go. I agree with Dread and Archangel. Macs are still the most trouble-free and easiest to work on, but since you just shelled out the kilt bucks on the machine....... (Sounds like a serious machine!)

    I'm not a big fan of any of the anti-virus companies marketing ploys (subscriptions, infiltrate your machine, etc...). Symantec's AV is fine, but the System Security product seems to just get in your way and slow everything down. Personally, I use Symantec Anti-Virus (only), use Ad-Aware and the Yahoo Toolbar (with spyware protection). Also download and use Firefox and make it your default browser. You still may need Exploiter for some banking sites. Also, avoid Outlook Express for your email. Try Thunderbird. (Thunderbird and Firefox are available at www.mozilla.org) The other thing is to do all the Microsoft Updates religiously.

    If you are using cable, buy and install a gateway router ($30-50 from Staples, Office Depot, etc.) If you have DSL, you should already have a gateway router. If you use dialup, you don't need a router.

    Depending on how often you use the machine, run both anti-spyware programs and run the virus scan monthly, more often if you use the machine alot. Backup your critical data two to four times a year and be prepared to wipe and reinstall everything every other year.

    The other alternative, like Dread said, is Linux. If you are seriously interested, google for a Linux Users Group in your area. They'd love to help. You'll need their help to secure the machine. Out of the box, it may still wide open, security-wise.

    Die-hard Mac User
    --Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich

    The Most Honourable Dale the Unctuous of Giggleswick under Table

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    I'd like to get some opinions regarding anti-virus, anti-spy, anti-popup software to put on this new system. What programs do you use and how would you rate them. (I'd prefer to buy other than Symantec as I'm not very happy with them at the moment.)

    Thanks all

    Back to Blu's original problem - the latest edition of PC magazine, vol.24 No.18, has a number of recommendations for some highly rated freeware.
    Antispy www.spybot.info
    Antivirus www.free-av.com www.avast.com
    Firewalls www.kerio.com www.zonelabs.com

    Don't go online without protection - it's not safe.

    A kilted Celt on the border.
    Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret
    Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.

  9. #9
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
    Southern Breeze is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Remember boys and girls,always practice safe computing.

  10. #10
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    Years ago I restored old TV sets. One time I got a screwdriver a tad close to a flyback transformer. It vaporized about an 8th of an inch off the end of the screwdriver. That stuff is nothing to get careless around.

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