3rd October 05, 01:56 AM
Shocked, angry, saddened..
Another attack on Australians, Balinese and democracy.
I refer to the latest bombings in Bali, two Aussies dead and more to come so far.
Lives destroyed, families fractured, all because of radical Moslems filled and blinded by hatred and overcome by pure evil, so much so that they don't even care about killing their own people.
I pray for the families who have been hurt and that the authorities will quickly find and punish those responsible.
3rd October 05, 08:22 AM
Anytime humanity destroys humanity, it really hurts us all.
Peace to all.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
3rd October 05, 08:56 AM
It amazes me how anyone can possibly think God needs any help killing people. Every religious book I have read, aside from Buddhism has plenty of examples of God doing just fine without our help...it seems a little arrogant to me.
3rd October 05, 03:20 PM
 Originally Posted by KiltedBishop
It amazes me how anyone can possibly think God needs any help killing people. Every religious book I have read, aside from Buddhism has plenty of examples of God doing just fine without our help...it seems a little arrogant to me.
My post was not designed to make or encourage disparaging remarks against God or any religion.
God is not to blame - people are, we have free will to do good or evil.
3rd October 05, 08:59 AM
It amazes me how anyone can possibly think God needs any help killing people. Every religious book I have read, aside from Buddhism has plenty of examples of God doing just fine without our help...it seems a little arrogant to me. And this from people supposedly so devout. Funny how Muslim radicals always forget abour the part of the Koran that says Christians and Jews are children of the same book and should be treated as brothers.
3rd October 05, 10:09 AM
hairsplitting and john donne
 Originally Posted by Graham
Another attack on Australians, Balinese and democracy.
I refer to the latest bombings in Bali, two Aussies dead and more to come so far. Lives destroyed, families fractured, all because of radical Moslems filled and blinded by hatred and overcome by pure evil, so much so that they don't even care about killing their own people.
Graham, I am so sorry for the loss of your countrymen. What an age to live in... when ideas about who is right and who is wrong breed fear and hate, either of which renders folk ready to "kill the other guy before he kills me or mine".
I wish you had said "radicals" and left it there. Not because "radical Moslems" was untrue, certainly not because of any untoward opinion on your behalf, Graham, but because of how people are identified by conotation as "the enemy". I know pro-democracy, patriotic Americans who are Muslim. The enemy here is not Moslems, but radicals. It's hair-splitting, but the kind that makes a difference because of the power that words have as they move forward out into public opinion... like the difference between saying a Nazi or a German...
If we don't make room for good, peace-loving civic minded Islamic people in our words and in our world, we will end up losing their sons and daughters, even here in our own countries, to the radicalism we fear... and our own sons and daughters in the battle to contain it.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
~~John Donne
Peace to you, Graham. And to the families of all who are touched by this terrible violence.
Last edited by jjoseph; 12th October 05 at 12:05 PM.
3rd October 05, 02:09 PM
It is horrifying, Graham. It is always sad to see so many innocents suffering.
3rd October 05, 02:20 PM
This happens too much. A whole, whole lot, too much.
I'm sorry, Graham
4th October 05, 08:10 PM
jjoseph, I do take your point. If they had been radical Christians I would have said that, but added that no one can call themselves a christian and kill people like that. I'm sure that most muslims would also say that muslims should not kill.
I've met a lot of muslim folk and true, they are almost always nice folk who want to live in peace and worship thier god, and I would defend their right to do so.
Maybe we could just call these men in Bali what they are: butchers!!
4th October 05, 09:45 PM
 Originally Posted by Graham
Maybe we could just call these men in Bali what they are: butchers!!
Graham, perhaps the term sociopath fits better. These people are insane.
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