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  1. #1
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    Local Article on Wearing a Kilt

    This morning, I opened my local paper, and my daughter was browsing the 'teen' section of the paper called Reality. Imagine my surprise when their list of the week was... Top Ten Reasons for Wearing a Kilt!\
    Sadly, the web article doesn't have the picture of the young man, but there is a large photo of him looking dapper and happy in a kilt, and a small inset of him clearly reading, "So You're Going to Wear a Kilt," with the caption, "It's a good thing I didn't pick up, 'So, You're Going to Wear a Thong.'"

    I feel like I should write them and let them know about Rocky and the other local kiltmakers, but I'd feel a bit weird writing to the teen section.

  2. #2
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    While I wouldn't want kilts to become the latest "thing that the kids do," it is essential that young people become interested if it's going to become commonly accepted. After all, eventually all the "old folks" who wear the kilt are going to die out, and we don't want kilt wearing to go with them.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #3
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    I did like the mention of growing facial hair, it definetly makes one dashing, don't you agree Graham?
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan
    I did like the mention of growing facial hair, it definetly makes one dashing, don't you agree Graham?
    They have a point... facial hair adds something regal to the kilt motif, not to mention it keeps the "skirt" comments to a minimum.

  5. #5
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjoseph
    They have a point... facial hair adds something regal to the kilt motif, not to mention it keeps the "skirt" comments to a minimum.
    It also conveys the wild warrior from the north image - the "nemo me impune lacessit" persona.

  6. #6
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    An t-Ileach"nemo me impune lacessit"
    No one will insult my bootlaces in front of small, lost fish?

    (Naw, I'm kidding- I know it's No one insults me with inpunity.)

    Is it copyright infringement if I were to scan the photo and post it?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjoseph
    They have a point... facial hair adds something regal to the kilt motif, not to mention it keeps the "skirt" comments to a minimum.
    I find that being a 6'+ tall 300+ pound gorilla does more to help than my beard, but in this emasculated society I have been wearing my beard proudly for years.

  8. #8
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    Think about this... If kilts become commonly accepted everywhere, then we lose many funny reactions and situations. I hope that there will be more men edapting the right way, but if there is no-one thinking differently or just ignorant, where is the fun? And all the funny stories to share on this forum? That's a different point of view

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay
    I feel like I should write them and let them know about Rocky and the other local kiltmakers, but I'd feel a bit weird writing to the teen section.
    I don't think you should feel weird at all. I highly doubt you're the only adult who has a look at the teen section. They'd probably be interested in having the info.

    I'm pretty sure you would be infringing on the copyright to scan the photo & post it. You could email the photographer & ask for permission, telling him/her what you want to do with it.


  10. #10
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    I think I will- here's what I have so far:

    The Reality section today ran a piece on kilts, and I wanted to let you know there are a couple kiltmakers here in PA making both traditional and modern kilts. Teens who want to wear the kilt are often put off by the expense (over $300 easily for a hand-sewn, full wool kilt) and though it's well worth the money in the long run, teens are still growing and probably can't invest that much for a kilt they might outgrow in a few years.

    The following two kiltmakers charge around $90-$130 for a kilt- or the price of a pair of designer jeans.


    USA Kilts actually supplied the kilts for Madonna's 2004 Reinvention tour, and Amerikilts is a modern American-style (ie-non-tartan) kiltmaker with an attached sporran, for even more savings.

    My family (my husband, myself, and our two kids) own kilts from both of these companies- and I can tell you the owners of both are very nice people who would probably be thrilled to talk to your Reality reporters!

    Thanks for the infomative and funny article, and I love the work you're putting into the Reality section- not only is it entertaining, but it's often thought-provoking as well.
    (I figured I'd put forward the local folks, because it's a Bucks County PA paper, and the two I mentioned are more available for face-to-face comment.)

    And it's true- it's sad that since the Reality section is written for and by teens- they have some of the most infuriating, uplifting, and head-scratching stuff in the paper sometimes!

    What do you think?

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