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  1. #1
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    auction outing

    Yesterday the kids had a half-day of school. I decided to take my son to an auction (anvil on the sale bill!). Small crowd, just covered with local Amish. For those who don't know, the Amish reject much of modern life. No cars, electricity, just don't mingle with the 'Anglish' (that us). My son has come to terms with his dad being kilted in public I guess, any way he never even mentioned it. I got a lot of looks......you know the one, but the only comment I got was from an Amish gent who, of course, asked if I had my pipes with me.

    Turned out he had been on Prince Edward Island this summer and had heard the pipes for the first time. It is fun the different folks who will talk to a kilted man!

    BTW, for some reason the RIGHT reply just sorta came out to his question. I told him no, but if I had them I played them poorly enough (read not at all, LOL) that I could thin this crowd out considerably. His comment was to look thoughtful and say maybe then he could buy a couple of things.

    Just another day in paradise.

    PS my son and I watched 'Field of Dreams' the other night. I had forgotten the line in there when a ballplayer was asked if there was a heaven? He replied it was where dreams come true....made me realize perhaps I am already there!


  2. #2
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    hi from one mcg to another

    ard choille !
    a quick hello from one macgregor to another.. nae kin to rob roy here, but a clansman just the same, from aryshire district.
    cheers tae ya gregorach ..
    glenn macgregor

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by macgreggor
    Yesterday the kids had a half-day of school. I decided to take my son to an auction (anvil on the sale bill!). Small crowd, just covered with local Amish. For those who don't know, the Amish reject much of modern life. No cars, electricity, just don't mingle with the 'Anglish' (that us). My son has come to terms with his dad being kilted in public I guess, any way he never even mentioned it. I got a lot of looks......you know the one, but the only comment I got was from an Amish gent who, of course, asked if I had my pipes with me.

    Turned out he had been on Prince Edward Island this summer and had heard the pipes for the first time. It is fun the different folks who will talk to a kilted man!

    BTW, for some reason the RIGHT reply just sorta came out to his question. I told him no, but if I had them I played them poorly enough (read not at all, LOL) that I could thin this crowd out considerably. His comment was to look thoughtful and say maybe then he could buy a couple of things.

    Just another day in paradise.

    PS my son and I watched 'Field of Dreams' the other night. I had forgotten the line in there when a ballplayer was asked if there was a heaven? He replied it was where dreams come true....made me realize perhaps I am already there!


    Don't leave us hanging like that!
    Did you get the anvil?

  4. #4
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    Hey Bear,

    Someone had at some time beat HELL our of the edges of the anvil with a LARGE hammer. In all my reading, one doesn't hit the ANVIL, just the metal to be formed. Mashed the square edges, broke the radiused edges, dcarred the face. Needless to say, I kept my hands firmly in my pocket. Gotta keep hunting and hopeing.

    It looks like new anvils are going for about $5/pound. Knida out of my range to find out if I like the art.


  5. #5
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    ...and did the anvil say "ACME" across the side and was there a squashed coyote stuck to the bottom of it?



  6. #6
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    auld argonian,

    LOL!!!!!The anvil probably would have been in better shape if it had landed on a coyote!


  7. #7
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    Sounds like you had a good day.Finding a good, used anvil can at times seem like an endless quest. A short piece of railroad iron can be used in a pinch.If your not already familiar with it check out anvilfire.com.It's one of the best blacksmithing sites I know of.


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