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Thread: Irishman joke

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  1. #1
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    Irishman joke

    My dad e-mailed this to me.

    Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O'Leary's apartment when Paddy Murphy loses $500 on a single hand, clutches his chest and drops
    dead at the table. Showing respect for their fallen brother, the other five continue playing standing up.

    Michael O'Conner looks around and asks, "Oh, me boys, someone got to tell Paddy's wife. Who will it be?"

    They draw straws. Paul Gallagher picks the short one. They tell him “be discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation any worse”.

    "Discreet??? I'm the most discreet Irishmen you'll ever meet. Discretion is me middle name. Leave it to me."

    Gallagher goes over to Murphy's house and knocks on the door. Mrs. Murphy answers and asks what he wants. Gallagher declares: "Your husband just lost $500 and is afraid to come home."

    "Tell him to drop dead!" says Murphy's wife.

    "I'll go tell him." says Gallagher

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremiah
    My dad e-mailed this to me.

    Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O'Leary's apartment when Paddy Murphy loses $500 on a single hand, clutches his chest and drops
    dead at the table. Showing respect for their fallen brother, the other five continue playing standing up.

    Michael O'Conner looks around and asks, "Oh, me boys, someone got to tell Paddy's wife. Who will it be?"

    They draw straws. Paul Gallagher picks the short one. They tell him “be discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation any worse”.

    "Discreet??? I'm the most discreet Irishmen you'll ever meet. Discretion is me middle name. Leave it to me."

    Gallagher goes over to Murphy's house and knocks on the door. Mrs. Murphy answers and asks what he wants. Gallagher declares: "Your husband just lost $500 and is afraid to come home."

    "Tell him to drop dead!" says Murphy's wife.

    "I'll go tell him." says Gallagher
    A few years down the road...

    The Catholic Church's air conditioning broke down, so they had to hire a man to crawl around in the ducts and figure out what was wrong.

    As the man peeked down through one of the vents in the sanctuary, he saw little old Mrs. Murphy kneeling by the altar, apparently saying her rosary. Since the man was a fundamental Baptist, he thought it'd be funny to try and mess with the lady's mind.

    In his best authoritative voice, he said, "This is Jesus. Your prayers will be answered."

    The little old lady didn't even blink, just kept on saying her prayers. The man decided maybe she didn't hear him, and tried again. "This is Jesus, the Son of God! Your prayers will be answered!"

    Again, she didn't react at all. Mustering up a big breath of air, the man decided to try again. "This is Jesus Christ, the son of God! Your prayers will be answered!"

    The lady looks up and says, "Oh do shut up! I'm talking to your mother!"


    One more thing; one of the best t-shirts I have ever seen is white with a green shamrock, and the following text:

    The Irish virgin's prayer: Lord have Murphy on me! :rolleyes:
    Last edited by porrick; 21st February 06 at 01:40 AM.

  3. #3
    Graham's Avatar
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    Good one Jeremiah, not hear that before!

  4. #4
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    Gotta love it.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  5. #5
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    Talking Quick joke

    An Irishman walks out of a bar.

    It could happen.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Jeremiah, that one was great! I loved it!


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