28th February 06, 10:23 AM
Teaching kids about swordfighting
Our house rules:
Rules: Swords are to hit only other swords
If a sword is swung at a body part, the attacker is out for the day.
Swords are NOT to be swung at shields.
You can block with your shield, but not attack with it.
If you raise your shield over your head, that is the signal for a time out of the end of the bout.
(Oh, I also have helmets for them, no worries there.)
What do you think? Too ambitious? Our oldest is eight, and she loves the swords... I'm just wondering if there's something we could throw in to teach her a little more than fighting fair.
(BTW- I consider this sport, not actual combat training)
Last edited by Shay; 28th February 06 at 10:32 AM.
28th February 06, 10:31 AM
 Originally Posted by Shay
What do you think? Too ambitious? Those are the house rules for the swords and they've always worked out well- only two girls will be fighting at a time, so a formation of a Brownie Horde isn't a big problem... though a hilarious thought.
A new Girl Scout cookie selling technique, "Buy another box or we'll unlease the Brownie Horde!"
You would know the girls better than us Shay, but I can just imagine how much trouble a bunch of young kids would have "remembering" the rules. It will certainly help having one one pair at a time, so they can be closely supervised. Most importantly, did you run it past the parents? I'd hate to see you in a lawsuit because some kid got overly excited.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
28th February 06, 10:33 AM
I say use real swords... joking...
If you could find some of those swimming pool "noodles" you might be able to cut them down to size and stick a dowel in one end for a handle - reducing the possibility of one of the little darlings needing a ride to the emergency room. Just a thought...
But think about using real swords... seriously...
28th February 06, 10:37 AM
(Oh- I took out the part with the Brownies because I'm going to have to get permission from their parents ahead of time)
28th February 06, 10:42 AM
The swimmie noodle idea is a good one...the problem with saying "Hit sword against sword only" is that it teaches nothing practical about sword use...but I can understand the caution abut letting them bash each other...my Mom never would let use hit each other until we were older and could control a sword better...and of course we started using padding and armor-type wear as well.
I think it's cool that there are people who still let their kids whack around with toy weapons. SCOOOOTLAAAAAND!!!
28th February 06, 10:52 AM
The little toy shop down the street sells foam "nerf-like" swords that really are harmless for under $10. If you could find some you could then teach your children some rudimentary fencing (of course no aiming at the head or face). Also poking using the point rather than swinging to use the edge is less hard on the various knick knacks, lamps, and other household items that could victims of childhood swashbuckling.
As Cyrano said "Then out swords, and to work withal!"
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
28th February 06, 10:53 AM
28th February 06, 10:56 AM
As a fellow parent I imagine Shay would not be keen on the children telling their classmates how they like "boffing".
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
28th February 06, 10:56 AM
I remember playing with plastic swords as a kid. My mom didnt have any rules really, just when she heard one of us crying she would make us stop for a while, after a few minutes it was fair game again. I mean, a strike wiht a plastic sword wont send them to the hospital. Other than that, nerf-like swords sounds like a good idea.
28th February 06, 11:04 AM
That's a great wikipedia article, and I think there's a boffing group (snerk) around my area I'd forgotten about- I'll have to look into it!
As for constructing my own weapons, we already have the wooden swords and shields, and they're strictly outside toys, so lamps are not in danger.
My husband was a saber fencer, maybe when he gets back I'll pick his brain about it.
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