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  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th January 06
    Jersey City NJ
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    gotta love the power of the kilt....

    Greetings all,

    remember my thread from a while back about a work related party i attended kilted in order to win a bet with the vendor hosting the party...

    ANYWAY, aside from winning a computer keyboard arm thing it looks like I GOT A NEW JOB OUT OF THE DEAL TOO!!!

    <insert short happy dance break here>

    I had interviewed with a company a couple years back but went to another firm over them as i thought it woud be a good opportunity - big mistake but i digress - anyway had kept in touch with the guys at said company as they were in mega-growth mode & said they were still interested. I kept running into one of the VPs from this company & he would suggest we talk as they were looking for a few good people. shortly after the kilted party he & I ran into each other again & he repeats the sugestion so i took his card and mulled calling.
    A mututal friend met with him around about the same time and he was saying how they were looking for more people & she suggested he call me and sang my praises to him ad nauseum & then called me & ordered me to talk to him. which i did & set up an appointment to meet with him & the president of the company who i had yet to met....

    anyway i go in for the interview with the big boss & the first thing he says is "WHERE IS THE KILT??" Apparently mr big boss was at the above mentioned party and saw me kilted & totally comfortable & casual about it, and was impressed by my 'gonadinal fortitude' at wearing it and being totally cool about it. Interview gets off to a great start then & there & just kept getting better. 2 more interviews and the deal was done. I start there on Thursday - still havent let my bosses at the current place of employment know but as soon as i do they will want to show me the door so no worries there. I am E-freaking-LATED at the new job & the new place - totally cool & casual & probably wouldnt bat an eye if i can in kilted one day (as long as i wasnt heading out to meet with clients0

    now excuse me while i go outside to do a few back flips, somersaults and other gymnastic maneuvers that would get me arrested if seen by the wrong parties while regimental under the kilt !!!

    Last edited by UmAnOnion; 9th May 06 at 06:45 AM.
    ITS A KILT, G** D*** IT!
    “I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I am very happy for you, Um!

    (But I didn't need that gymnastics image )
    Ron Stewart
    'S e ar roghainn a th' ann - - - It is our choices

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by UmAnOnion
    & the first thing he says is "WHERE IS THE KILT??"
    There's something you don't normally hear in a job interview, but it's a good sign.
    Quote Originally Posted by UmAnOnion
    I start there on Thursday - still havent let my bosses at the current place of employment know but as soon as i do they will want to show me the door so no worries there. I am E-freaking-LATED at the new job & the new place - totally cool & casual & probably wouldnt bat an eye if i can in kilted one day (as long as i wasnt heading out to meet with clients)
    Well, they may still make your life a living 'L if they decide that you should've given them two weeks notice - "Sorry, you can't start there on the 11th, because you can't leave here before the 24th."

    Hopefully they won't do that, and you'll be on your way to a better job, and an occassionally kilted one at that!

    Congratulations and good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!

    If there is any better feeling than landing a new job when you are unhappy in your old one, I don't know what it is! Although the fact the the pres was cool with your wearing a kilt is just icing on the cake. Good luck in the new career.

    And Wompet, while 2 weeks is considered courteous, neither an empoyee nor an employer are required to provide it. And if I am not mistaken, UAO is in a sales or sales related position, and it is more common for there to be no notice in those positions, the company does not want the person leaving to try and take business with them, so typically want them out the door as quickly as possible.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    And Wompet, while 2 weeks is considered courteous, neither an empoyee nor an employer are required to provide it. And if I am not mistaken, UAO is in a sales or sales related position, and it is more common for there to be no notice in those positions, the company does not want the person leaving to try and take business with them, so typically want them out the door as quickly as possible.
    It's funny that you mention this now, because my wife just started a new position after giving her old job only one week's notice. Her chances for obtaining her new position were greatly increased by her availability, hence the shortened leaving time. After consulting the Employee Manual at her old position, which explicitly states that no one has to give any notice in a sort of legal disclaimer, she felt better about leaving so quickly.

    But when she told her supervisor (whose treatment of my wife was a large factor in her decision to look elsewhere) she was told that one week was "unacceptable". When she pointed out the language in the manual, she was told that it was "just legalese" and they required a two week notice. She was then threatened with a bad reference should anyone ever call, which calls into question all sorts of labor law and slander issues, which is amusing considering her old job was a law firm! The subsequent treatment she received from everyone convinced her to just quit after two days. Unprofessional? Maybe. But I firmly believe that the moment one feels threatened in a work environment is the moment one simply must leave and file any appropriate greivance one feel necessary. Thankfully, her new boss called and asked if she was available for paid-training, and she got to start her new job a few days early and all is well.

    I've hijacked enough.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Don't hurt yourself Colin, you want to fully enjoy the change!

    Great news, very happy to hear about it!
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet
    There's something you don't normally hear in a job interview, but it's a good sign.

    Well, they may still make your life a living 'L if they decide that you should've given them two weeks notice - "Sorry, you can't start there on the 11th, because you can't leave here before the 24th."

    Hopefully they won't do that, and you'll be on your way to a better job, and an occassionally kilted one at that!

    Congratulations and good luck!
    As I remember NJ is an "at will employment" state.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Unless a person has a contract that states he will work for a specific period of time, the two week notice is a courtesy to the employer to allow a bit of time for the position to be filled. Usually, there is no legal "right" to the two weeks, and the employee can walk out the door at any time, and is entitled to be paid up to the minute he leaves. As has been mentioned, this may cause hard feelings and potentially bad references.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    What a break the kilt brought you, congratulation


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    BRAVO GUY!!! Congratulations!!!!!!


    T O N O

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