What is in Your Sporran?
I was told there are specific things which needed to be kept in your sporran
and if they were not present the challenger was owed a drink.
1) A shilling
2) A clean handkerchief
3) A flask of Scotch
Are ther other items required?
What is the history of this?
What do you keep in your Sporran?
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau
Heres's one Andrew Breecher sent me of a sporran I made for him

Yep! that's a bag of coffee 
I should add that with the exception of the coffee my sporran contains about the same
Card wallet
Coin purse
Car keeys
Pen and some paper
On Cally nights it contains a Dalvey Sporran cup (I'm saving for the flask)
Last edited by Freelander Sporrano; 16th May 06 at 08:37 AM.
In general, wallet, car keys, monocle and case, pocket watch. It varies, but that's what's in mine.
An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
(When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)
Kiltio Ergo Sum.
I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef
I think the shilling may have been one-and sixpence, because that was the limit under the old Vagrancy Act - if you had 1s/6d then you had visible means of support and were not liable to arrest as a vagrant. The other stuff was probably just in case you felt you were in need of "a little something".
In my sporran at the moment I've got a purse with some money in it, a credit card holder (actually it's a plastic Muji business card holder, but it's ideal for keeping all one's plastic cards safe), my house keys, a rigger's knife, and a handkerchief. Can't beat the bag of coffee.
 Originally Posted by An t-Ileach
a rigger's knife
At one time, someone asked me what all I kept in my sporran, and I pulled it all out...
My wallet.
Some coins in a small coin purse.
A Gerber Multi-Lock multitool.
An Inova X5 flashlight.
A flask.
A handkerchief.
An 8-port mini-hub (100Base/T) - including its wall-wart power supply
An extra mouse (optical, USB)
A cigarette lighter (I don't smoke)
A box of matches
A tinderbox, containing flint, steel, charcloth, tinder, and a small bone bead - a blowpipe to get the fire going
Cell phone (which no longer lives in the sporran - it has its own pouch on my hip)
The look on his face was priceless when I pulled the mouse out, and only got worse when the hub came out.
in ma sporran ai carry whit Scots hae carried in they's sporran fur centuries...
wallet, keys, pen, mobile phone, digital camera....
Depends on which sporran I am wearing at the time. Most of the time it is keys, money clip, credit card holder, lighter and bar chips!
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