After wearing casual kilts for nearly two years, the postman rang this morning with an insured package: my 8-yd., 13 oz. kilt in the Kincaid tartan. What a difference! The fit is great, the pleats swing very nicely, and the Lochcarron fabric is beautiful. There's no one here at the moment to operate the camera, but I'll try to post a picture later today.
Also in the package was my wife's sash, and matching flashes. Same cloth, and the flashes are nicely aligned to the red stripe. I had already purchased a new belt and sporran last winter, so the entire outfit replaces the old eBay stuff with items handmade for me. I'm really looking forward to the next kilted outing!
I do think I need to have it pressed to remove the minor wrinkling from packaging. Any advice on instructions for the cleaner?
I've added the pictures- see page two of this thread…