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  1. #1
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    Martial Arts Discussion


    After looking over the interest thread I decided I would make this thread for any MA'ists or people who would like to take up MA's. This way we share knowledge and help answer questions people might have about various martial arts.

    Do you think you're art(s) would work in a street fight? What is you're favorite technique for restraining someone etc...

    I would not like this to turn into an 'art bashing' thread, by that I mean a 'my art is better than yours!'

    Okay, I practice: Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Chow Gar Mantis Kung Fu, Doce Pares, Kali, Systema, Aikido, Iaido, JKD and MMA.

    Just list your arts and let the discussions begin. Any questions are thoughts about the philosophy, techniques, history, just ask.

  2. #2
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    first post here. i don't have a kilt yet. but MA's are something i know about.

    I am a Sho Dan (1st degree black belt) in Isshinryu Karate


  3. #3
    TheSp8's Avatar
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    I made it to Green belt in Goju Ryu Karate while in college. Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do though the instructor borrowed grappling techniques from other styles. Worked with my son's wrestling team doing freestyle. Also the mish-mash of techniques the Army calls combatives. There are other bits and pieces of styles that have been picked up here and there.

    As much as I enjoyed TKD, in my opinion it has its limitations. The lack of grappling/ground fighting is the biggest. I've seen few fights that didn't end up on the ground. I also didn't like the emphasis on high kicks. I'm a firm believer in attacking the base.

    Overall, I'd have to say the most effective style/technique is the one that works for you in a given situation. I try not to be tied to any one thing.


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    I had to turn up... I like MMA style, I feel it has great variation and it is not a set art and many ancient and modern techniques can be incorporated into training. I like the striking aspects such as Muay-Thai and I like the ground aspects such as, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Grappling. My favorite submission is the triangle choke, especially a flying-triangle choke...It is done with your legs around the oponents neck with a figure-4 lock, it is a choke so it stops the blood from flowing to the brain, its not exactly a restraint. I good restraint might be any neck crank if the person is very aggressive.

    I practiced Karate for about a year, but now I am attending an MMA class that uses Erik Paulson's Combat Submission Wrestling curriculum. I would say I like MMA because its good alround and doesnt seem to be focused on only one aspect, it also seems more relaxed then some others. In a street fight, the best would probably be to run away, but Iif ambushed, I would choose MMA as it would allow you good striking to keep the attackers back; grappling would not be advisable if many opponents are attacking you because you can only focues on one opponent at a time, but a knowledge of grappling skills like throws/submissions would be useful to evade tackles or perhaps gain an upper-hand in the inevitable case that the fight goes to the ground.

    I added a link for an explanition of MMA just in case some dont know MMA, perhaps you could add a link so we can see your preffered/practiced martial art
    Last edited by I M Kilted!; 8th June 06 at 02:02 PM.

  5. #5
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    I agree with both saying about the ground-fighting, most fights go to ground/are over very quickly. I also agree that MMA is very handy for most types of situation and is an all-round good mix of arts to practice.

    I've never really taken to Karate or TKD, preffering the more adaptable arts and I agree with the point made about the kicks in TKD, unless you were in a Jet Li or Chan film...might not work so well in a crowded bar.

    In Ninjutsu we learned two techniques that you can put on if you're opponant is on the ground, using the shoulder blades to choke them (they're own shoulders blade) and there was another thing...can't remember at the moment.

  6. #6
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    At the gym the other day, a guy showed me a crazy-effective choke; he grabbed my arm and put it around my own nack and pulled forward and created a lock on the side opposite my hand...he hadn't finished locking and I could already feel the choke a little, he finally locked and then closed the choke and I tapped in about 2 seconds. I am trying to find it, it was extrememely powerful and it seems very easy to setup.

    As I have done Karate, I know what you mean, I'm not trying to bash Karate, but in my experience, we did'nt spar or use and of the techniques in lifelike situations, some may have worked, but we seemed to concentrate on form and katas and stuff; I may still have done Karate, but I find MMA especially the grappling is more suited to my 5'7" 140lbs body.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Boid
    After looking over the interest thread I decided I would make this thread for any MA'ists or people who would like to take up MA's. This way we share knowledge and help answer questions people might have about various martial arts.
    Back when I was younger & had healthy lungs I was very well practiced in Gung-fu San-soo. I don't know what rank I achieved because those who trained me did not use belts or ranks.
    These days I keep my Gun-fu skills well honed & keep the concealed carry permit renued.

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Boid
    Do you think you're art(s) would work in a street fight? What is you're favorite technique for restraining someone etc...
    Was only forced into a fight once when I was younger & those skills worked well. In under two minutes the fight was over & my attacker was hospitalized & scheduled for kidney surgery.

    It was always drilled into me that the art I was being taught was to be used to quickly maim or kill & I never took that lightly. As I understand it, this art is now being taught to CIA & Secret service officers.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by John M.
    Was only forced into a fight once when I was younger & those skills worked well. In under two minutes the fight was over & my attacker was hospitalized & scheduled for kidney surgery.
    Holy cow Batman! I've been in a few fights (and I'm only 16 at the moment ) but I've never hospitalized someone, proably as they were always the aggressor and doing most of the fighting by themselves.

    None of them ever really esculated to anything serious and I'm proud to have not caused anyone any serious harm, though only once did it come close when I headbutted a guy in an ICT lesson, made his nose bleed.

    I do not ever mean to bash Karate but sometimes I come across that way...I've heard that Goju Ryu is a more...I dunno...close quarter orientated Karate Ryu? Is this true?

  9. #9
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    I was taking Krav Maga last year and I love it. I had to stop due to finances, but things are finally getting right and I hope to start back up again next month.

    Its a very powerful style, focusing on simple practicality over everything else. No katas, no forms, just simple, easy to use, and effective techniques.
    Within one class you already had a good set of basic skills and some choke breaks, and it just progresses from there. Everything is very linear too. All the advanced moves are really just combinations/elaborations of the simple basic moves you learned on day one.

    Granted, I havent gotten that far into it yet but it definately is an effective form for self defense. After I advance in Krav, I wouldnt mind taking some MMA that focused on whatever I find Krav to lack, but against the vast majority of opponents Krav Maga seems very effective.

    One thing that that really struck home when I started the classes was how tired punching and kicking can make you. Really, I think as much as the techniques themselves, simply building your stamina and endurance for punching and kicking will hold you in good stead in most street fights. If your opponent tires first, they will probably make the first mistake, and that should be all it takes...

  10. #10
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    Not to defend against the people not bashing Karate, it all comes down to the instructor. If that person is not able/willing to break down all the potential application of the kata, then the student cannot learn them. If the instructor only teaches tournament style, then the student will not have street applications.
    All MA styles lead to the mountain top where they become one. The student can only go a little further than the master before needing a new master.

    One of my favourite glory moments was a young lady I taught some techniques to in a Saturday beginner noon class. (Street [real] applications of a traditional yellow belt kata sequence.) After the class she was to meet her friend downtown. Two guys tried to rape her in the parking lot. When they pinned her to the car, she went right to what she had learned less than an hour before. She knocked one out, and scarred the other and ran. The police went through the downtown bars and found scarface, then they got groggy buddy, and they're both still doing time.

    Don't you just love it when a plan comes together.

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