23rd July 06, 09:25 PM
No more combovers
I have been loosing the hair on the top of my head since I was 23 (I'm now 59). All these years I had been carefully combing over these bald spots so that the did not show. As the years passed, this became more and more difficult because there was less and less hair on top. It finally reached the point that there was actually no hair growing on the top of my head, and the combover was about 7 inches long. I used "extra strength" hair spray to hold everything in place, and always worried about strong winds.
Well, last week I finally asked myself why in the world am I doing this? Yep, the combover is gone. My wife likes it better, and I like it better. Surprisingly, I'm not self conscious about it at all. So not only am I kilted full-time, the bare top of my head is completely visable. It could be my imagination, but it seems that the women I meet when taking my daily walk in the park (kilted) have a smile that is a bit broader, and they are more cheerful. Could it be that the kilt + the bald head convey a message that I'm even more confident than before? I wonder.
23rd July 06, 09:47 PM
I'm sorry, I really dont mean to come across as disrespectful at all, but the combover has to be one of the most ridiculous hairstyles EVER, in my opinion.
Really, I have never seen anyone with a combover and been fooled for an instant and thought they actually had hair on their head. It just always instantly portrayed someone who was wholly self-conscious of their appearance and absolutely clueless as to what to do about it.
Did you ever think anyone was fooled into thinking you had more hair?
I am VERY glad to hear you finally stepped away from the comb, and went with something more sensible. Bald or balding heads dont look bad at all, and they certainly look better than a combover!
I have no doubt the ladies find you much more attractive now, and find you much less self conscious (and less deluded). Congratulations!
23rd July 06, 09:49 PM
Speaking as one who is also "follically challenged", I heard a quip somewhere (on TV, the radio?) that the shaved head thing is the "new comb-over"...laughing hysterically because I noticed this a while back: when the current crop of young guys start losing their hair, they go over to the shaved dome. I guess that they fancy that it makes them look like Michael Chiklis on "The Shield" or something.
I gave up long ago...used to wear my hair long to my shoulders but gave up when I saw that I was losing ground and just went over to cutting it short - no comb over. You've done the right thing and seem to be being rewarded. Good for you.
23rd July 06, 10:25 PM
 Originally Posted by auld argonian
Speaking as one who is also "follically challenged", I heard a quip somewhere (on TV, the radio?) that the shaved head thing is the "new comb-over"...laughing hysterically because I noticed this a while back: when the current crop of young guys start losing their hair, they go over to the shaved dome. I guess that they fancy that it makes them look like Michael Chiklis on "The Shield" or something.
I gave up long ago...used to wear my hair long to my shoulders but gave up when I saw that I was losing ground and just went over to cutting it short - no comb over. You've done the right thing and seem to be being rewarded. Good for you.
Well, actually I'm one of the "new crop of young guys losing their hair." I'm 26, and if I let it grow my hair is "patchy" at best. I started losing it pretty much as soon as I graduated HS and left for bootcamp. The "shaved head is the new combover" statement I just can't agree with. I shave my head once a week. As a matter of fact I have a freshly "bic'd" noggen as we speak.
A combover is a man's attempt of hiding the balding scalp and trying to fight an already lost battle. A shaved dome is a man's surrender to the battle he KNOW'S he's lost. Simple logic.
When I'm older and the top of my noggen goes COMPLETELY smooth on it's own, I will sport the "horseshoe" with pride The bic'd noggen is simply the only way to wear my hair (or lack their of) without looking completely ridiculous.
23rd July 06, 11:57 PM
guid oan ya darrell!
if ai e'er lose ma hair- ai'll shave it aff tae!
Comboovers arr sad....
24th July 06, 02:18 AM
Hooray for you, Darrell!
Now, I am also follically challenged (thanks, Mom), and decided at an early age that I'd just go along with it and not try any heroic measures. No combovers, no plugs, no rugs, no magic ointments, no spray-ons.
Once, not too long ago after a very bad haircut, I decided to shave it all off, just to see. Oh, geez, what a mistake that was! My head looked like a giant thumb growing out of my shoulders. My friends begged me to never do that again. So, until it all falls out of its own accord, I'll keep it short, and it is what it is.
Rex in Cincinnati
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
24th July 06, 04:48 AM
Good for you Darrell.
I too started losing my hair in my early 20's, but I kept combing it like I always did. Finally, in my late 20's I was looking in the mirror and I asked myself "Who am I kidding?"
Since then I comb by hair straight down the side, when I let it get long enough to comb. I try to keep it pretty short, so all I have to do to comb it is use the towel to smooth it down when it's wet.
I now proudly wear my horseshoe hair. I do wear a hat much more now, but that's for protection. In winter, that's where much of your body heat escapes. In summer, I have to protect against sunburn. It's one thing when your hair falls out, but having your scalp peel off is something else entirely.
My dad wears his the same way, but as far as I know, my uncle still does the combover. To be honest, it looks pretty silly.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
24th April 07, 03:13 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
Well, actually I'm one of the "new crop of young guys losing their hair." I'm 26, and if I let it grow my hair is "patchy" at best. I started losing it pretty much as soon as I graduated HS and left for bootcamp. The "shaved head is the new combover" statement I just can't agree with. I shave my head once a week. As a matter of fact I have a freshly "bic'd" noggen as we speak.
A combover is a man's attempt of hiding the balding scalp and trying to fight an already lost battle. A shaved dome is a man's surrender to the battle he KNOW'S he's lost. Simple logic.
When I'm older and the top of my noggen goes COMPLETELY smooth on it's own, I will sport the "horseshoe" with pride  The bic'd noggen is simply the only way to wear my hair (or lack their of) without looking completely ridiculous.
I also don't agree that the shaved head is the "new combover". I have a lot of friends that have started to or are balding, and the shaved head is more the anti-combover.
I agree with Bradley in that they aren't trying to fool anyone into thinking they aren't balding and have instead decided against ridiculous practises of trying to disguise their lack of folicles and just gone all out.
Way to go losing the combover NewKilt.
24th July 06, 06:36 AM
 Originally Posted by NewKilt
... Could it be that the kilt + the bald head convey a message that I'm even more confident than before? I wonder.
Well I'll have to ask Sean next time he's round...
Well done!
Don't have too much on top myself, and I just keep it to a DIY number two crop now. You can't see the white temples that way either!
24th July 06, 07:02 AM
A supervisor in my wife's office has been doing the combover for some years. Nothing is left on top but he lets the side grow long enough so he can comb it over in an attempt to hide the lack up top. He's only fooling himself thinking he's hiding something. Last year at an office picknic a gust of wind took his combover and uncombed it. He had 7 inches hanging down the side of his head. It really would look better if he would just cut it short and come to grips with reality. The hair aint there any more. MHO When mine goes then I learn to live with it gracefully.
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