noo ya hit upon a topic ai ken an awfy lot aboot...
ai cuid gie ya a hale thesis oan this yin...
but tae make it short an sweet...
1- if ya drink yur JD wi' a mixer noo... then start wi' a blended scotch like Groose arr J Walker... an mix it wi' soda, 7up, coke, ginger ale, wit e'er ya want...
drink this fur twa months arr sae... makin the scotch taste a bit stronger as time gaes oan... this will develop yur taste fur scotch...
then ya will bae ready tae move tae single malt...
2- if ya drink JD neat (straicht) noo- then skip the blends an gae straight fur single malt...
start wi' Glenfiddich arr Glenlivet... baith arr frae the speyside area an are light an easy drinkin malts... baith arr aged in ex-bourbon casks...
ya can add water arr soda water but NEVER add ice... it changes the molecular structure o' the malt an changes the flavour... it shuid bae cool room temp...
use a cool (no cold) tulip shaped glass (no a rocks glass).... nose it (smell it) a lot while you sip it... an SIP it- dinnae gulp it.... yur nose is maire important than yur tastebuds when it comes tae malt whisky... hae a glass o ice water oan the side... this will help ya cool off and refresh yur mooth between sips...
drink this fur a month arr sae... then luek fur maire complicated flavoured malts... like the yins that hae been aged in sherry casks...Macallan, Glenfarclas, Glenmorangie (rhymes with 'orangey')..
try a few o these fur a couple months arr sae...
save the peaty smoky malts tae the last.... they arr the maist difficult fur maist folk tae get used tae... Laphroiag, Lagavulin, Ardbeg.....
then luek fur a' the hundreds o' other malt expressions oot there... a single distillery can make 100 bottles that a' taste different... it is a wonderful world fur your senses.....
slainte mhath!