Quick question here, Where should the top of the hose be, in relation to the knee, after folding over? Thanks very much, Dave
Three fingers below IIRC. Sure someone can verify or correct me.
Last edited by MacTavishOfJapan; 7th September 06 at 02:09 PM. Reason: Typo
In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly
Yep, three fingers it is.
Okay one more question, What's IIRC?
Originally Posted by USN Diver Okay one more question, What's IIRC? The name of one of the Isles just off the shore of mainland Scotland.
Originally Posted by USN Diver Okay one more question, What's IIRC? This one used to get me too. It's "If I Recall Correctly."
William Grant Stand Fast Craigellachie!
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