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  1. #1
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    hey need some advice.

    hey my name is andrew mcalpin. i am sixteen years old and go to alva highschool alva, ok. i saved up and bought a kilt. ive worn it to school three times, but ive became discouraged because kids at school laugh and make all kinds of jokes. i was suspended from school because i fractured akids nose because he said im a ******. do u guys have any advice on how i should deal with comments with out violence. some comebacks maybe. i just wanted to honor my scottish hearitage. my grandfather alexander mcalpin came over from scotland in 1756. he died in Georiga. i would be grateful for some advice and comebacks lol!

  2. #2
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    Dude, hitting people is never the way to fix things. You'll only encourage the bullies because you show how much it is annoying you. Ignore them, they are, after all, the ones with the problem.

    Welcome to xmarks from sunny Japan!
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  3. #3
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    welcome to the rabble!

    First and foremost, try to avoid violence. There are many ways to react without taking a swing at someone. Igonoring them usually works. You can also try to educate the individuals about kilts and what they mean to you.

    Gents, more advice for a wee kiltie here?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well, you have come to the right place, but you probably need to temper your responses to others! Kilt wearing is likely always going to lead to disparaging comments by some unenlightened others. You need to realize that what you wear is your choice and what others think does not matter.

    Good luck, and welcome to the forum!
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  5. #5
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    Hey, welcome to the group. You came to the right place and I am sure some advice will work for you. The main thing is not to let it bother you, you know you are proud in wearing a kilt, so don't let them put you down. That is what they like, a reaction from you. If you can laugh along with them or call yourself a name, it defeats their purpose and they will find someone else to pick on.

    If you can find section in this forum where there were good come backs, it would help to remember a few. Maybe someone on this group has them bookmarked or can give the link to the posts so Andrew can use them.

    If they call you a ******, just say, "No, my nationality is Scotish! Many of the brave men of Scotland wore kilts just like this and I find them very comfortable."

    Or "At least I am comfortable, and besides the girls like a guy in a kilt very much!" If you have had good comments from the girls, that would work.

    Don't quit wearing your kilt and don't hit anyone, show what a good kilt wearer does, by not causing more problems.

    Josh and a few other HS kids are on this forum and maybe they will chime in with some ideas too.

    Let us know how things work out.


    You don't have to be Scottish to be comfortable!

  6. #6
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    The best advice anyone here can give you is to forget the comebacks, Forget the witty remarks.


    Shine your shoes. Press your shirt. Look in a mirror before you walk out of the house.

    Then when you walk down the halls, do it with your shoulders back, your head up and a BIG smile on your face.

    Very soon you will find that the girls at your school will start to say hi to you. They will start to say hi back to you when you smile at them.

    Soon after that, the guys who hurled insults will start to ask about where they can get a kilt too.

    The kilt is the best "Babe magnet" ever invented. What better way to get back at those who call you "******" than by having two, three or more girls asking you to the next dance.

    It is quiet confidance that will win over your detractors. Quiet confidance that will win over the ladies.

    If anyone ever says anything else to you in the hall, quietly stop, turn to them and quietly say, "Oh you think it's funny I wear a kilt? Watch this." And then find the greatest Babe you can see. Walk up to her and quietly say, "Excuse me (insert her name here), but can you show me the correct way to sweep my pleats when I sit down? I know you ladies learn that in secret girl school and I was hoping you could show me."

    Soon, very soon, every guy in your school will be asking you for advice on how to approach girls and get them to talk to them like that.

    Walking down the hall and having every girl say "Hi Andrew" is the greatest payback in the world.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC

    The best advice anyone here can give you is to forget the comebacks, Forget the witty remarks.


    Shine your shoes. Press your shirt. Look in a mirror before you walk out of the house.

    Then when you walk down the halls, do it with your shoulders back, your head up and a BIG smile on your face.

    Very soon you will find that the girls at your school will start to say hi to you. They will start to say hi back to you when you smile at them.

    Soon after that, the guys who hurled insults will start to ask about where they can get a kilt too.

    The kilt is the best "Babe magnet" ever invented. What better way to get back at those who call you "******" than by having two, three or more girls asking you to the next dance.

    It is quiet confidance that will win over your detractors. Quiet confidance that will win over the ladies.

    If anyone ever says anything else to you in the hall, quietly stop, turn to them and quietly say, "Oh you think it's funny I wear a kilt? Watch this." And then find the greatest Babe you can see. Walk up to her and quietly say, "Excuse me (insert her name here), but can you show me the correct way to sweep my pleats when I sit down? I know you ladies learn that in secret girl school and I was hoping you could show me."

    Soon, very soon, every guy in your school will be asking you for advice on how to approach girls and get them to talk to them like that.

    Walking down the hall and having every girl say "Hi Andrew" is the greatest payback in the world.

    Listen to this man. He is wise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
    Listen to this man. He is wise.
    Double ditto on that. Best advice you'll get here.

    (I'll have to remember the "help me with my pleat-sweeping" line. Thanks Wiz )
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

  9. #9
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC

    The best advice anyone here can give you is to forget the comebacks, Forget the witty remarks.


    Shine your shoes. Press your shirt. Look in a mirror before you walk out of the house.

    Then when you walk down the halls, do it with your shoulders back, your head up and a BIG smile on your face.

    Very soon you will find that the girls at your school will start to say hi to you. They will start to say hi back to you when you smile at them.

    Soon after that, the guys who hurled insults will start to ask about where they can get a kilt too.

    The kilt is the best "Babe magnet" ever invented. What better way to get back at those who call you "******" than by having two, three or more girls asking you to the next dance.

    It is quiet confidance that will win over your detractors. Quiet confidance that will win over the ladies.

    If anyone ever says anything else to you in the hall, quietly stop, turn to them and quietly say, "Oh you think it's funny I wear a kilt? Watch this." And then find the greatest Babe you can see. Walk up to her and quietly say, "Excuse me (insert her name here), but can you show me the correct way to sweep my pleats when I sit down? I know you ladies learn that in secret girl school and I was hoping you could show me."

    Soon, very soon, every guy in your school will be asking you for advice on how to approach girls and get them to talk to them like that.

    Walking down the hall and having every girl say "Hi Andrew" is the greatest payback in the world.
    yup...what he said.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Andrew, welcome to the Forum. As you've probably figured out, violence won't help you, and may get the school to ban your kilt-wearing as disruptive. You've obviously got big enough balls to wear the kilt to school in the first place, so do it with confidence and try to let the negative remarks roll off. Many of us only started wearing kilts later in life. My son started wearing a kilt at age 16 to a large urban high school (about 3200 students of ALL types) and he has managed to carry it off with distinction through graduation, even gaining the respect of many who first made fun of him. I STRONGLY urge you to read his posts here. Go to the members list and look under S for seamus. Read his threads and posts and you will get a sense of how he responded and some of the situations he experienced. Others here will suggest helpful comebacks, but they have to be something that will work for you in your situation. seamus hasn't been active here for a while, but if you'd like to seek further input after reading his posts you are welcome to PM me and I can put you in touch with him.

    Here's a sample:


    Godd luck, and illegitimus non carborundum!!
    Last edited by turpin; 18th September 06 at 09:38 PM.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

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