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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bamoral tails (or no balmoral)?

    A Balmoral is an idealic rascal from the highlands. They are the natural rival of the wild haggis. While the haggis makes good eating, the balmoral makes great pets. One of the balmoral's oddest characteristics is its twin tails that come from a single place on its rump. Often people mess with the balmoral tails. Some let them be long and free, while some stitch them together. Still others tie them into either a "flat" knot, or make a pretty bow. A few have even been known to bob (cut) them off completely. Either way, the best place to carry your balmoral pet is on your head (tails back).

    What do ya'll prefer?

    If you haven't figured it out,I am refering to the balmoral cap . . .

    Since I began making my own, I have used a 1 inch wide ribbon to make bow and a "side-to-side" knot. I've also used 1.5 inch ribbon that I just let hang down my back. Yet, from the looks and the practicallity of driving a convertible daily, I find that I prefer the ones presently tail-less.

    I know and could quote Thompson's section on balmorals and what o do with the tail ribbons, but I was wondering what ya'll actually prefer.

    Do any of the ribbons not look "sissy" to you?
    (Yeh, I know. Sissy is not a good word in this context, but we best try to look as manly as possible wearing or kilts. You girls (Barb, Red Lioness, and the other females on this forum) out there have no problems wearing bows and ribbons.)

    Or do most of you prefer NOT to wear a balmoral at all (thus not caring about the tails)?

    Is a tail-less balmoral anathama?

    Thanks for any and all responses,

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Balmoral shares this genetic characteristic with its distant cousin, the Glengarry.

    Modern vet guidelines consider docking to be cruel so this should only be undertaken in extreme circumstances

    But seriously, in nature the male of the species is often the more colourful and decorative so if one is going to be man enough to wear the kilt in the first place then one should not worry about colourful accessories.

  3. #3
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    I do not own a Balmoral yet, but I have read that it is customary to tie it in a bow... this coming from the old bonnets that were adjusted for your head via a drawstring or ribbon.

  4. #4
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    I don't own one yet...not sure if I ever will buy one.

    I do have a lovat green Glengarry, but it was a bit of a mistake...I think I look really silly wearing it :rolleyes:

    I like the balmoral much better...specially the khaki/sand/tan without dicing...maybe some day, on the bottom of my wish list.

  5. #5
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    I recall having read somewhere that the state of the ribbons had something to do with the wearer's marital/availability status. Not sure which was which but it was knot vs. blowing freely in the highland breeze....that's a tough one to figure out, isn't it?

    I'm not sure about this...but I guarantee that someone on the forum does and will chime in presently.



  6. #6
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian
    I recall having read somewhere that the state of the ribbons had something to do with the wearer's marital/availability status. Not sure which was which but it was knot vs. blowing freely in the highland breeze....that's a tough one to figure out, isn't it?

    I'm not sure about this...but I guarantee that someone on the forum does and will chime in presently.


    Legend/tradition says that the married gent ties his ribbons up in a bow, while the bachelor leaves his ribbons hanging down -- on the balmoral, not the glengarry -- the latter's ribbons should always be untied. What the source is of all this -- well, I haven't the foggiest! :mrgreen:




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