9th October 06, 02:54 PM
Once more into the breach . . . .
Well, apparently I don't even qualify for waiting tables, so I'm going to return to what I'm good at; being a spook.
More specifically, I'm applying as a Federal Air Marshal. Long flights, lots of travel and I get to shoot people. What more could you ask for? I sent in the application today and I've got my background check information completed, so I may be heading off into the wild blue yonder in a few months.
I had rather hoped to find a good job close to home so I could keep my animals and relax in the beautiful farmland with chickens following me around the yard, but I guess such is not to be.
9th October 06, 02:58 PM
There must be something close to home for you. Keep looking.
9th October 06, 03:46 PM
Dreams become reality...sooner or later.
Keep dreaming!
9th October 06, 04:52 PM
Sorry it didn't work out. Sometimes the path to where we want to be is crooked and steep. You just have to keep moving forward.
Cheers and best of Luck
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
9th October 06, 05:27 PM
Trust me you didn't want to be a waitress. Best of luck in your search for gainful employment.
9th October 06, 05:32 PM
That's probably because they sensed you wanted to throw the patrons on the floor, hand cuff them and divert the bar to another airport. The good news is you have more time to knit. O'Neille
9th October 06, 04:49 PM
 Originally Posted by Red Lioness
I'm applying as a Federal Air Marshal. Long flights, lots of travel and I get to shoot people. What more could you ask for?
...nice to see your priorities & sense of humor are intact!
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society
9th October 06, 05:41 PM
 Originally Posted by Red Lioness
Well, apparently I don't even qualify for waiting tables, so I'm going to return to what I'm good at; being a spook.
You're gonna throw a white sheet over your head??
 Originally Posted by Red Lioness
More specifically, I'm applying as a Federal Air Marshal. Long flights, lots of travel and I get to shoot people. What more could you ask for?
Ah, I see. So I have to behave myself next time I fly on a US plane... gotcha!
 Originally Posted by Red Lioness
I had rather hoped to find a good job close to home so I could keep my animals and relax in the beautiful farmland with chickens following me around the yard, but I guess such is not to be.
Seriously now... I'm sorry to hear that your employment search has been fruitless so far, and that you might have to "leave the farm" (so to speak)... but I hope that you find a job that you're happy in.
9th October 06, 07:30 PM
I had rather hoped to find a good job close to home so I could keep my animals and relax in the beautiful farmland with chickens following me around the yard, but I guess such is not to be.
I had to look around and see if you had built a home on my 88 acres. I;ve got the chickens as well as 6 ducks and 8 geese. Morning feeding time is kind of noisy around here. Anyhow, good luck on the job. I do hope you are able to find something closer. I know I'd miss all of my fowl, amd the Virginia farmland where I live.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
10th October 06, 04:18 AM
 Originally Posted by Red Lioness
Long flights, lots of travel and I get to shoot people. What more could you ask for?
Well, a government job isn't so bad, look at the secondary bennies - good insurance and retirement.
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